It's cheesy but happy

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Taehyung's POV

   I woke up on top of Jin's chest 2 days before Jin has to leave to go to North Carolina. I had started to massage his arm as I remembered last night. Last night was so beautiful. We did some things, and I would never forget it.

   There was only two more days before Seokjin had to leave. I planned to have a fun day tomorrow and today was going to mean something. Something very special to my heart.

   I got out of the bed and went to get ready. I washed my face and brushed my teeth (since I never eat breakfast). Then I took a shower and put the same clothes on I had when I first met Jin. I walked out the bathroom and sat on his chair while I waited for him.

Time skip

   "Why are you dressed like that anyway?" Jin Asked as we walked side by side.

   "Why are you dressed like when we first met?" I asked.

   "Because you told me so."

   "Don't you notice why I'm doing this?" I asked as I got closer to the bench. I saw Jin's face light up, like a kid who just got the news that they were going to Disney World. "Let's reenact the first time we met each other, Seokjin."

   I sat on the bench and grabbed a flower, a rose to be exact. About 30 seconds later Jin comes up to me.

   "Hi there," spoke Jin.

   I looked at Jin with a soft expression.

   "Hello there," I smiled.

   "I'm Seokjin," Jin introduces. "What's your name?"

   "I'm Taehyung," I introduced.

   "I know this might sound weird, but I think you are so beautiful," Seokjin Mentioned, looking down.

   I took my hands and positioned it to where Jin was facing me.

   "Thank you," I smiles.

   "Would you like to grab a coffee or with me? Not now, but when the cafés open up," asked Seokjin.

   "No, not unless you pay," I declined.

   "I would pay," reassures Jin. "Do you still want to go?"

   "Of course I would want to go Seokjin, it's tea. I am a tea lover," I smiled.

Both of us laughed in unison as we heard how cliché our first meeting was.

"Ohh it's like meeting my first love all over again," spoke Jin. "So cheesy yet so happy."

"I know right," I agreed. "It's so fun to meet the person you love again. I feel like it makes you fall more in love."

I smiled as he swings his legs back and forth. Jin sat next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. I was gonna miss having him around me all the time.

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