Final goodbye

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Jin's POV
(Don't play song yet)

I woke up late. Not too late, but late. I had to quickly get ready to go on the bus. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I put on a gray shirt, black dress pants, glasses, and a long beige coat. I took out my nice dress shoes I bought with Taehyung. I suddenly feel a lump in my throat. It hurts. I'm gonna miss him.

I put everything on and packed all my things. I was about to leave when I forgot to do something. The poem.

"Oh shit how can I forget," I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my pen and journal. I sat on the desk and thought about what I was gonna write.

The memories.

The memories of me and Taehyung did. They all just came out while I was writing. I didn't even reread it because I had to go. I had my camera and notebook in my hand a nd my key in my pocket. Taehyung was still asleep.

"I hope he wakes up early," I whispered, slamming the door and hoped he heard it.

Taehyung's POV

I woke up to the slamming of a door. I looked besides me to look at Jin, but he wasn't there? Then I realized, today is his last day.

"OH SHIT!" I yelled.

I threw on a yellow hoodie and blue jeans. I put on yellow converse and grabbed everything I needed. I got my special camera and ran outside.

I ran and ran until I saw a bus. There was people waiting outside of it. I immediately saw Seokjin, waiting alone. I ran up to him.

Play song

"Seokjin," I said. "Why didn't you wake me up."

"I didn't want to see you cry," he answered, looking down.

"But Seokjin, you know I wanted to say goodbye."

"But Taehyung, I couldn't bare to see you cry. It'll only break my heart."

I busted into tears. This was my final goodbye. I wouldn't see him no more after this.

"Oh Taehyung, don't cry," I heard Seokjin start to sniffle.

   I looked up to Jin. He was crying. I hugged him and he hugged me back. After a few seconds, I pulled away and kissed him. It only lasted a few seconds. I bit my lip and looked down.

"You stay safe ok. Don't let anyone put you down or hurt you, ok?"

"Ok, I will," Seokjin said through tears.

"Here, let's take a picture together," I said as I pulled him close. We both smiled and took a picture.

"Here, I wanted you to have this," I said, giving him my camera.

"What for?"

"Just take it," I shoved the camera to him.

"EVERYONE LETS LOAD!" I heard a voice yell.

"I guess I have to go now."

"I guess so. Good bye Jin."

"Good Bye Taehyung. I love you. Don't forget me, Taehyung. No matter what."

Jin hugged me and then walked into the bus. He waved from his window and I waved back. I sobbed as the bus started to leave. I can't believe I was loosing him. The only one I love.

Third person POV

As Jin's bus pulled away, Jin started to cry. He was loosing the one he loved. But not entirely. He was gonna see him again in the winter. At least that's what the papers said. Hopefully, he sees the one he loves dearly once more.

A/n: hello. Welcome to the first Authors note. If you're wondering, yes there will be a second book. This isn't the end. This is only the begging. Anyways, thank you so much for 200 reads and 40 likes. It has really made my day. This has been my most successful book about bts ever. It surprised me when I fount out someone read it. I didn't think anyone was gonna read it (like my other books). But anyways, here's my book agenda looking like:

Finish this story (completed)
Start my book for one of my series
Right after that I start "Age Of Youth" copycat
Then it's book 2 of this book

Thank you guys for reading this book!

Also, I will be doing a Q&A soon so stay tuned for that. And also, which ship should I do next:


Or Jihope

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