A weird morning for Seokjin

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Seokjin's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I decided to get breakfast near the place we stayed at. I did my mini morning routine, grabbed my camera, got my room key and went outside.

As soon as I got out, Jungkook, who was in the room next to me, got out also. We met eyes and he started to stare me up and down, so I went up and slapped him.

As soon as I did that, he pushed me against the wall and got up close to me.

"Listen here Seok fucking Jin, I hope after this little thing is over, I never have to see your punk ass again," he warned.

Then, out of nowhere, some kid walked by and pressed our my lips against each other's for a long time.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!," I yelled as I whipped my lips.

I gave that dumbass a big slap on the face and stormed away. I don't feel like eating after that.

Time skip

"Hi Taehyung," I greeted.

"Hi Seokjin," Taehyung whispered.

"Why are you whispering?," I asked in a quiet voice.

He didn't respond. He just looked down and started to kick the dirt.

"What's wrong?," I ask, looking at his side profile. His side profile was extraordinary.

"Right after we said goodbye yesterday, I saw my parents with their new son. They looked so happy with him. Like they forgot all about me and all the happy moments I've had with them. They must be proud. More proud of him than they'll ever be to me," whispered Taehyung, eyes getting watery.

I, being the best person out there (just kidding), hugged Taehyung. I didn't understand what was happening, but he needs support.

Taehyung hugged me back and cried into my shoulder. We lasted until I guess Taehyung had stopped crying and pulled away.

"Thanks for the hug. I needed it."

"Anytime Taehyung. Anytime."

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