Meeting The Beautiful Boy

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Third person POV

Seokjin had woke up early in the morning. He put on a gray sweatshirt and pants, brushed his teeth (because he can not stand morning breath), fixed his hair a bit, grabs his camera, puts shoes on and went outside.

He took a deep breath in and out as he looked around.

"I can already tell it's gonna be a beautiful day," he smiled as he walked.

As Seokjin walked, he took pictures of the beautiful morning scenery.

When Seokjin's got to a park, he saw this beautiful boy sitting on a bench. He was holding a flower, and Jin couldn't resist to just take a picture of him.


Seokjin took a picture of the beautiful boy.

'He is so beautiful' Seokjin thought.

Jin mindlessly walked up to the boy with the flower in his hand.

"Hi there," spoke Jin.

The boy looked at Jin with a soft expression.

"Hello there," the boy smiled.

"I'm Seokjin," Jin introduces. "What's your name?"

"I'm Taehyung," Taehyung introduces.

"I know this might sound weird, but I think you are so beautiful," Seokjin Mentioned, looking down.

Taehyung took his hands and positioned it to where Jin was facing him.

"Thank you," Taehyung smiles.

"Would you like to grab a coffee or with me? Not now, but when the cafés open up," asked Seokjin.

"No, not unless you pay," Taehyung declines.

"I would pay," reassures Jin. "Do you still want to go?"

"Of course I would want to go Seokjin, it's tea. I am a tea lover."

Time skip

"There are so many cafés here," Mentioned Jin. "I don't know which one to choose."

"The best café here is Cinnamon Café," Taehyung Spoke. "They have the most tasty muffins, and the most creative drink ideas."

"Really? Then let's go!"

Time skip

Once Taehyung and Seokjin got there, they were greeted with the scent of sweet cinnamon and coffee. All the sweet flavors smelled so good to Both boys. Especially since they were starving.

   'Yucky. It smells like yucky bitter coffee' thought Taehyung.

"I'll order and pay. You just wait," Said Seokjin waiting in the line.


Seokjin looked up at the menu. All the descriptions of the food made Seokjin kick his lips. He doesn't know what to choose.

Finally, when he was the one to order, he was dumbfounded, so he had a plan.

"Give me one of your most popular tea, one of your most popular coffee, and two of your most popular muffins," ordered Seokjin.

   "Ok will that be all for you sir?," asked the cashier.

   "Yes," answered Seokjin, pulling out his credit card.

   "Ok your total is $**.**," mentioned the cashier. "Go ahead and swipe your card."

   Seokjin did as he was told and swiped it.

   "Here's your receipt you are number 36," the cashier worker told.

   Seokjin waited in the waiting station for about 5 minutes.

   "ORDER FOR SEOKJIN!," someone yelled.

   Seokjin got their food and went to where Taehyung was sitting. Taehyung was drawing flowers on a napkin. It was a beautiful design.

   "Ooh~ that looks pretty," Seokjin complimented as he set the food on the table.

   "Thanks, I used to draw a lot," Mentioned Taehyung, picking up his drink and sipping it.

   "It tastes soooo good," spoke Taehyung, drinking more.

   "Here, the muffin is for you," Seokjin pushed one of the muffins towards Taehyung.


   "Of course."

   "Awww, thank you," thanked Taehyung, taking a big bite out of his muffin. "It's really good too."

Time skip

   As the boys got closer to where they first met, Jin took a couple of photos.

   "Thank you for the tea and muffin," Taehyung hugged.

"No, thank you for agreeing to come with me," Seokjin hugged back.

Taehyung pulled back a few seconds later.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the same place," Taehyung Said before running off.

"Shit, I didn't even get his phone number," Jin said about a minute later. "Damnit.

Time skip

When Jin got to where he first met the beautiful boy, he was gone. No where to be found. Seokjin frowned, he may not see him again.

But this is only the beginning.

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