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Third person POV

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Taehyung's mom was just shaking her head in disbelief. His parents couldn't believe that he was gay.

'THATS 2 ALREADY!' His dad yelled.

His step brother, Baekhyun, had been thrown out the house a few years back because of him coming out. When his older brother cane out, it wasn't pretty. Things were thrown, yelling was heard, and doors were being slammed. Baekhyun moves out that night. Taehyung nor his family haven't heard from him since.

Taehyung's dad threw things on the floor. Then, Taehyung's dad threw a baseball at him. Luckily, Taehyung missed.

"Son, you have 10 minutes to pack all your stuff and get the hell out. We don't ever want to see your gay ass again."

Taehyung stomped upstairs and packed everything he needed in his biggest bag. He was done in the matter of 4 minutes. He grabbed his special camera and stomped downstairs.

'Bye you fucking bitches!'

Taehyung slammed the front door to leave his old home. He took a deep breath in and out.

'This is life now.'

Taehyung woke up in a cold sweat. His memories of when he came out are coming back. Taehyung looked at Jin and hugged him, tightly.

   "Taehyung?" Questioned Jin in a deeper voice. "What's going on?"

"I had a dream about my parents and the day I came out," Taehyung sniffled.

   "Aww sweetheart," Jin caressed Taehyung's Head. "Don't cry. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you."

Time skip

"So this is your old house?" Asked Jin.

"Yeah. That's it alright," answered Taehyung.

"Your parents must be rich."

"They are. Very rich."

A few seconds passed before Taehyung spoke again.

"Let's go before my parents see us," Said Taehyung, grabbing Jin's hand and leaving the house.

Time skip

"This looks cute doesn't it T-," when Jin turned around, he didn't see Taehyung. "Taehyung?"

Jin searched the store, calling out Taehyung's name.

"Hi, have you seen a boy about my age and this high wearing a black shirt with blue ripped jeans and Jordan's with a chain going from his back pocket to his front belt loop?" Seokjin asked a store worker.

"Yeah, he just walked out the store with an adult," answered the worker.

"Ok, thank you," Seokjin thanked as he walked out the store.

"I know exactly where he is."

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