13 days

99 8 0

Jin's POV

"So everyone has to have at least 25 photos and a poem in 13 days," announced Namjoon. "We don't have much time here. In 10 days we will be leaving to go down south to North Carolina."

A few week had passed since the date. It's almost the end of summer, and Taehyung and I had gotten close. Too close. We had gone to multiple dates, each doing different things.

I looked at Hoseok and saw he was closer to Namjoon than normal. I then looked at Namjoon's left hand and saw a ring on his ring finger.

'I guess he accepted it, huh?' I thought.

"Make sure you get those done, and if not, you'll be kicked out of our team," Mentioned Namjoon.

After the little meeting was done, I went back up to my room. When I walked inside, Taehyung was no where to be found.

"Taehyung?" I called out.

I looked to check if there was any notes, and surprisingly there was one.

Went to go get something. I'll be back in a few

That was such a relief. At least he wasn't stolen or anything, like yesterday.

Time skip

"You were out for a long time," I Mentioned as I let Taehyung in.

"Almost got jumped by a couple of guys that I used to go to school with. Apparently they know I'm Gay and they are not having it."

"Damn, people really don't like gay I this little town," I spoke.

"To be honest, most of the people here are homophobic stuck up rich people," Said Taehyung. "They are so homophobic to the point that even touching the same gender is bad."

"Damn this town is sure stuck in the 1950s."

"It is," Taehyung agreed.

Time skip

"When I told my friend I was gay, he didn't give a fuck. He said 'Ok and?' and continued talking to me," Taehyung told me.

"That's how you know they are real," I Mentioned. "Fake friends wouldn't be so accepting."

Taehyung and I held hands in silence until we got to the place. I opened the door and we both walked inside.

"Hey Taehyung?," I called as I closed the door.

"Yeah?," he questioned.

"Are we dating?," I asked.

"Of course babe," he answered.

Taehyung pecked my lips and smiled. I looked down and got a sad expression.

"Jin, what happened?" Taehyung Asked.

"I only have 13 more days until I have to leave this town. And go to North Carolina."

Summer romance (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now