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Third person POV

The rain poured down on the Thursday Morning. Seokjin was walking around with his clear umbrella, taking beautiful photos of nature.

When he got to the park, he didn't see Taehyung. I mean, of course Taehyung wasn't gonna be there. It was raining. But Jin felt his heart drop.

"Must be home resting as he should."

Seokjin took a few more photos before going to this alley. It was empty except for this cardboard fort. Jin got closer to it and took a picture of it.

"I wonder what this is?" He asked himself before going to look inside of it.

He opened the door and he saw a body wrapped up in a blanket. With a few jackets on it. Jin put his umbrella on the ground and took the jackets off of it so he could see its face.


Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and saw Seokjin right in front of his face.

"Seokjin?" Taehyung questioned. "Is that you?"

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?" Asked Seokjin. "Aren't you supposed to be at your home, resting?"

"This is my home, Seokjin," Taehyung answered, sitting up.

"What do you mean?"

"Seokjin, to tell you the truth, a few months ago I got kicked out of my house and now I live in boxes," confessed Taehyung.

"Why were you kicked out?" Jin asked.

"I was kicked out because I came out as gay to my parents and they didn't like that. They told me to pack my stuff and leave. I can't even afford to stay in college."

Taehyung looked down and it looked like he was gonna cry. Seokjin hugged Taehyung tightly.

"You're coming home with me today," Seokjin took Taehyung's hand and lead him out of the box. Jin took one of the coats found inside of Taehyung's "house" and put it on him. He zipped Taehyung up and put the hat that He was wearing onto Taehyung.

"What about my house and the stuff in it?" Taehyung Asked.

"I'll buy you better things. Now come on."

Seokjin had took his umbrella and wrapped his arm around Taehyung. Taehyung put his heat on Seokjin's shoulder as they walked away from the place Taehyung has been calling home for months.

Time skip

When Taehyung and Jin got back to the place where Jin was staying, they had so many bags in their hands. They had gone on a literal shopping spree. Seokjin bought Taehyung some clothes, better toiletries, and a iPod.

   They sat their things on the floor and kicked their shoes off. Seokjin laid on his bed while Taehyung stood and watched him.

   "Seokjin, can I take a shower?"

   "Of course Taehyung."

   Taehyung went inside Jin's bathroom and got ready for bed. But there was one thing he forgot. Pajamas. Once Taehyung needed his pajamas, he opened the door slightly.



   "Umm... can you please give me some pajamas please?"

   Seokjin went and got a pair of pajamas for Taehyung to wear. He handed them to Taehyung.


Time skip

   Once Jin was ready, both boys had gotten inside the bed. Jin had no extra couch and wasn't about to let Taehyung sleep on a chair. Taehyung turned the lights off for him and got to his side of the bed.

   "Hey Seokjin."


   "Thank you for caring for me. I really appreciate it."

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