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Charlotte and Sasha strutted down the halls of catering. They didn't have a match tonight, but decided to stick around for their men.

"So, you wanted to talk?" Charlotte states as she sits down in the women's locker room. Sasha sighs deeply. Did she really want her selfish thoughts to be said out loud?


Charlotte and Sasha had been best friends since their NXT days, she knew Charlotte wouldn't tell anyone, but she would give her advice. Charlotte was always straight up, not sugar coating it. If anyone could help, it was her.

"Yeah, Finn and I..." She trails off as Charlotte gestures for her to continue. "The relationship is boring."


"We don't have any spark anymore, we just don't click like we used to. It sucks because he believes everything is fine. Tell me I'm crazy, tell me that it's all in my head, please." She groans running her hands through her bright purple hair.

"Sasha..." Charlotte then takes a good look at her best friend. She looks miserable, the fire in her eyes were gone. It scared her. Sasha was only twenty-six years old, she didn't need to be stressed about spark in a relationship. She shouldn't have too. "I won't."

"What, why?"

"Because it isn't a lie. If you feel this way, you're not crazy and it can't all be in your head. The only I can ask is, do you want to fix things?"

"I think so."

"Sasha that's not good enough, if you want to be with Finn..you have to be invested in this realtionship, not half-assed. Are you sure you want to fix things?"

"Charlotte I don't know!" Sasha snaps looking up at her best friend. She had, had it. She didn't know what she wanted at this point. Probably having a mental breakdown coming. "Has this run it's course? Do I say goodbye?"

"Sasha, only you can answer those questions." Charlotte explains as Sasha places her hands on her head counting down from ten. This was her panic attack coping mechanism.

"Almost five years, Char, five."

"I know Sash, I know."

Charlotte pulled Sasha down into a hug. Then Sasha lost it, she needed to cry it out and Charlotte was usually the one to hold her when she did. Finn used to, but now it was her and charlotte against the world, or at least that's what it felt like.

Sasha had done this to herself. She had shut Finn out. Only wanting to talk about the good things, avoiding conflict making Finn immune to fighting.



Sasha sat back in her chair wiping her tears, she's glad she hadn't put on any make-up or she'd be an actual mess. They talked about other things trying to get Sasha's mind off of things, but the conversation ran in a circle.

"So, have you decided?" Charlotte asks softly as Sasha nods nonchalantly. A small smile teases it's way on to Charlotte's face.

"I'm going to fix things."

"Good, I've got just the plan."

"Which is?"

"We're going out tonight. Me, you, Roman, Finn, Bayley, Dean, Renee, and Seth."

"Okay, I'm in." Sasha smiles brightly. As if timed, Finn and Roman entered the Women's locker room. "Clear?" Roman yelled.

"Yeah, come in, baby." Charlotte yelled back. The men entered as Charlotte stood up and made her way to Roman as he picked her up and spinned her around, placing a chast kiss on her lips.

Sasha watched as Finn slowly walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her pulled her into a hug. "Hey Sash."

She smiled up at him placing a kiss on his cheek. He was still sweaty from his match earlier, but Sasha didn't mind. He pulled Charlotte's chair closer sitting down next to Sasha.

"How was your match?"

"Eh, got put through a couple tables. Kevin was pissed at me earlier, I think it's his pay back" he chuckles as Sasha laughs back.

"So, me and Charlotte were thinking about going out tonight. You down?"

"Oh, I can't. I have to meet Kevin's parents tonight. I already said I would because I haven't seen them since last year's money in the bank."

Sasha fought the urge to get up and leave the room. She nodded trying to be understanding. This is what also put a strain on their relationship. Finn always put his friends first. At first it was fine. Sasha understood because she loved her friends too, but he was taking it too far. He would cancel dates to watch the game with his friends or leave the house early in the morning going out with his friends, coming back late at night.

Sasha would stay at home and wait. She would cancel her plans, hoping he would come back so they could do something, but everytime he proved her wrong. He would kiss her forehead as she layed on the couch quietly.

Tonight she wasn't going to. She was going to go out with her friends, she had missed so much and she was over it. She would make sure her and Bayley party.

Charlotte would wanna stay close to Roman while Dean and Renee do their usual drinking game. It was her time let loose and she wasn't going to let this time pass her by.

"Oh, okay, I'm still going to go."

"Okay, baby have fun. I'm going to shower, I'll meet you back at the hotel later because I am leaving with Kev." He pecked her forehead and walked out of the room.

Charlotte side-eyed them and watched the hope in Sasha's eyes falter. She felt bad, she let go of Roman's hand and plopped down next to Sasha.

"Don't worry, Sash."

"I'm n-not" She was fighting back tears. She was not going let him make her cry. She was in her prime and if he couldn't see that, then oh well.

His lose, not hers.

a/n hope y'all liked..i think this was a filler? i don't really know.

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