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a/n unedited because i bouta lose wifi 💀

S A S H A  B A N K S

Seth and Sasha got back to the hotel pretty late, not that she minded, but Finn might. After all, who wants their girlfriend out with another man all day and night?

No one.

They had separated about twenty minutes ago and now Sasha was laying on the couch waiting for Finn to come back. Why did she expect him to be here? All he ever did was leave anyways.

She sighed as she snuggled closer to her pillow watching Sailor Moon. She was beyond tired, but she didn't want to sleep not until Finn had come back.

Without notice her eyelids fluttered close and she was off to sleep. The colour from the TV illuminated the dark room as Sasha's small figure was barley visible. The door opens to reveal a very perky Finn.

Usually at two am no one is perky. Yet here he was, weird. He walked inside quietly and closed the door slowly. He heard Sasha's quiet snores as he took off his shoes. He hadn't meant to come home late, he just needed to talk to Sami and Kevin.

He kissed the top of her head as he knew he would be leaving soon. Waking her up to tell her he was leaving to Ireland for a four days would be harsh, but not telling her at all would be even worse. Finn had to pack since he was leaving in the morning, so he started to. He figured she wouldn't mind if he will tell her in the morning.

Sasha woke up to the sound of wheels hitting the wall.

Wheels? She thought.

Finn had a bag in hand and a suitcase in tow. She watched as he picked up an apple and ate it. Sasha watched in confusion. Where was he going?

He walked back upstairs to find a now alert Sasha. She watched with her arms crossed as a look of guilt passed his face. Now he was contemplating his decision on leaving a note.

"Were you planning on telling me where you were going?" Sasha says sadly. She really wanted to be angry, but she couldn't. Not when he was slowly breaking her heart.

"Yes, well not face-to-face. Sasha, I didn't wanna see the look you have on your face right now. It breaks my heart to see you sad."

"But, if you had left a note I would've cried. That's a hell of a lot worse than just being sad." She demands as she shakes her head. "Well, where are you going?"

"Home. My mom, she uh, she isn't feeling too great, she called and told me to come visit and quick."

"Oh, okay."

"Sasha, don't be like this." Finn sighs. When Sasha was tired like she was now, she would pretend things were okay when really, they're not.

"Be like what?"

"Like this!" He snapped. Finally, he had snapped, he showed something and she was happy for that as stupid as it sounded.


"Whatever. I'll see you when I get back. Bye." And just like that he was gone. She didn't know how long or what was really wrong with his mom and she didn't know wether to actually let herself cry or just hold it in.

She didn't have a choice as the tears poured out of her eyes. They wouldn't stop, but they burned when they hit her face. She was crying hot tears. She didn't even hold any in, she sobbed into her pillow like there was no tomorrow.

Nightfall hit and Sasha hadn't moved. She did not eat, shower or go outside all day which was very out of character. She was still snuggled into her body sized pillow and dry tears stained her cheeks.

She wanted to stay there until Finn came back, but she knew she couldn't, so she got up. Brushed her teeth and combed down her hair. Although she was going no where, she wanted to try and feel like herself.

Sasha's phone had been blowing up all day. She hadn't even taken a look until now. It was Charlotte and Bayley asking her to come out. She smiled at their attempts, but didn't want to go outside.

She heard a knock on her door before she ran down the stairs. She was stunned to see Seth with four beers and a pizza. Her stomach hadn't grumbled until now.

She let him in.

Who would turn down pizza and beers?

He smiled as he plopped down beside her on the couch beside her.

"What do you wanna watch?" She asked as she popped open a bottle of beer.

"We can watch Sailor Moon, I watched a marathon to catch up to you."

"Well, aren't you cute." She smirked as she put on the last season of the show. They sat and watched in silence. The next hour was quite dull until the show came to an end.

"Where's Finn?"


Seth was shocked. Finn hadn't gone home since 2015 and it was kinda of a problem. He patted the couch next to him making her slide closer to him. "Why?"

"His mom is sick, I don't know." She shrugged as she layed her head on his shoulder. He played with the ends of her hair. She mumbled something into his chest that wasn't audible.

"It's hard."

"What is Princess?"

"Being inlove with someone who shows no effort."

Seth squeezed her tighter. The brokeness in ber voice broke his heart. She was so much more than this fragile shell of a woman she used to be.

"Sasha, it's alright, everything is going to work out."

That was the difference between Seth and Sasha. She liked to be reassured things would work out and he was good at doing just that. So there they sat, Sasha and Seth cuddled on the couch, him whispering sweet nothings into her ear and eventually she fell asleep.

Seth watched the love of his life asleep in his arms and for the first time he didn't feel guilty for loving her.

He felt like he deserved her.

He kissed the top of her head and replaced himself with her body pillow. Seth smiled down at her before writing a note.

'Sleep well, Princess'

He exited the room and went to his own.

a/n sorry for the shitty chap ;(

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