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S A S H A   B A N K S

It was over.

The misery, pain and secrecy. Sasha could not have been happier. She was free. She could finally be with the one she loved openly.

"Someone's glowing. I take moving in with Seth went smoothly." Bayley smiles as Sasha hands her, her coffee.

"Well, living with him is pure bliss, but moving out of Finn's had some serious complications."


"Let's just say, Finn put two and two together and he found out."

"Well, who cares?" Bayley shrugs making Sasha look at her. "What? He's out of your life. Who cares what he thinks?"

"I guess you're right. It was just the look in his eyes. I broke that man, selfishly, I should have never let it get this far. I should have broken up with him the day I had sex with Seth. Then none of this would be happening and a man wouldn't be weeping because of me. It's all my fault."

"Sasha, calm down. This may have been your fault in the beginning, but it isn't anymore. Finn is alone and that is okay. It happens and I will not sit here and let you beat yourself up about it."

"But, B-"

"What did I send you yesterday?"

"Chin up, Princess, or your crown will fall."

"Live by that." Bayley smiles. "I love you way to much for you to sabatoge your own happiness over your ex. Okay?"

"I love you too."

"What even is this drink?"

"Honestly, I ordered anything with vanilla in it." Sasha laughs with a shrug. She goes to start a sentence before her phone starts to ring. "Sorry, it's Seth."

"Hey." She said as she answered the phone.

"Hey, Princess." He hummed into the phone making her blush. "You wanna go out tonight?"

"Fancy or casual?"

"Um, I was thinking very fancy."

"I am so in." She laughed making him smile. Even through the phone she knew how to put a smile on his face.

"Okay, bye baby."

"Bye, love."

She hung up the phone before turning back to Bayley. "Want to go shopping or are you busy?"

"No, I am always up for shopping."

"Great, let's go pick up Char and head to that fancy boutique."


"Sasha, how much longer. We've seen like seven dresses."

"I looked fat in all of them!" Sasha yelled through the curtain. She didn't like to be a pest, but she hated every single dress she had tried on.

"Look, Bay!" Charlotte pointed to a black dress. It was mesh at the top and poofy at the bottom, but really shiny. It screamed Sasha. "But it's black."

"Just give it and see."

Charlotte nods as she passes the dress to Sasha through the curtain. "Woah, this is so pretty."

"I know, try it on."

Sasha tried it on and instantly fell in love with it. It made her feel like a princess, something that she had always wanted to be.

"Guys, I think I want to dye my hair back."

"What? Today?"

"I am so down." Charlotte smiles. "Text Seth and tell him to pick you up at my house and we will surprise him."


They purchased the dress and were on their way to buy hair dye. Sasha decided she wanted to go blue, which made it all more exciting. They finally got Charlotte's house and started on the job.

"So, we're bleaching it first right?"

"Yes, we are." Sasha smiled. "Just do not get any in my eyebrows!"

"I swear I won't."

"Sasha, Seth said he will be here by six." Bayley said as she read his text. She looked at the time. "It is currently 4:29. Do we have enough time?"

"Yes, just hurry." Sasha pleaded. Charlotte got to work quickly. She knew how much this meant to Sasha, going back to her colourful hair meant she was truly herself again and it made Charlotte happy.

An hour passed and Charlotte was finally done Sasha's hair.

"Holy, it lookd amazing!" Bayley squealed.

"Thank you so much, Char." Sasha smiled as she hugged her best friend tightly.

"No problem, but we gotta get you in that dress quickly."

They hurried to get Sasha into her gown before Bayley quickly did her make up. It took longer than expected and Seth knocked at six on the dot.

"Hey, Char."

"Hey, Sasha is still getting ready in my room."

"It's alright, Roman is here with me anyways."

"Hey, babe."

"Hey!" She smiled as she pecked his lips.

"Charlotte, help!"

"That is my que, bye!"

Roman and Seth chuckled as they plopped down and watched the last quarter of the game. Finally, Sasha was finished.

"Have the time of your life, okay?"

"I love you guys!" Sasha smiled as she embraced her two best friends in the whole world.

"We love you too."

Sasha held her dress as she made her way down the stairs to see Seth and Roman engrossed in the football game at hand.

It was the Vikings vs the Rams.

"Rams win." She joked as Seth and Roman jump at her voice. Both their jaws drop at the sight. She looked beautiful.

Seth shot up from the couch. He made his way over to her with his arm out. She took his hand and smiled as he winked at her. "You look great, Sash!" Roman shouted to which she smiled his way.

"You look beautiful." Seth hummed as he pecked her lips. "Are you ready?"


And with that, they were off to their romantic dinner. One that Sasha was excited about.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

a/n unedited once again, im sorry 

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