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Sasha woke up facing Seth. She took in all his features. From his plump pink lips to his freshly cut subtle. Her hand caressed his cheek. His eyes slowly opened and he immediately smiled. Sasha felt her stomach tingle at the thought of him being happy that she was still here.

"Morning, baby."

"Morning." He smiled as he pressed a finger to her bottom lip. Seth leaned closer and connected their lips slowly. Sasha snuggled closer to him, not wanting the kiss to end. Eventually they pulled away and layed back down on their own pillows.

Sasha looked into his now flustered face and the only thing that stood out were his eyes. The hazel brown eyes that made her feel like one in a million.

Her chest tighten and she felt a shiver run through her body. Looking into his eyes she felt safe, warm and at home.

Seth was home.

She scooted closer to him and hugged his torso. Looking up at him and smiling.


"Yes, babygirl." He chuckled down at her.

"I l-"

"So, who's making breakfast?" Roman says barging into his best friend's bedroom. "Woah! Sasha, put some clothes on." He yelped covering his eyes. Only then did Sasha realize her boob was in full view. Seth cupped it in his hand making Sasha laugh.

"Get out, Joseph!"

"Hey! Don't call me that, Colby."

"Touché, asshat. Go make your own breakfast." Seth says and Roman leaves the room. He let out a breathe and Sasha nervously chuckled.

I love you. She thought. I was going to tell him I love him. I'm crazy.




Sasha rolled her eyes at conscience making fun of her. She sighed and rolled out from Seth's embrace. "What? Why, you were so," He trailed off as his eyes roamed her body. "Naked. Come back."

"He killed the mood."

"The mood's never dead with you." He smiled before reaching up and pulling her back into bed. She smirked and kissed his neck. "But it is right now. And I'm hungry, I'll meet you down there." She says pulling away. Sasha slipped Seth's shirt and slippers on and exited the room with a wink.

He groaned into his pillow and slowly got up. Seth makes his way downstairs and sees Sasha cooking for the Samoan.

"Baby, I told him to make his own food." Seth pouted before slapping Roman in the back of his head. He groaned, sending Seth a harsh glare.

"Well, he was burning half of your kitchen down."

"That's probably why Char kicked you out." Seth joked making Roman roll his eyes and Seth can see he hit a nerve. He quickly sent his best friend a look of sorrow to which he nodded.

"Wait, what?" Sasha asked and Roman's head quickly shook at Seth. He shrugged and turned to Sasha.

"Nothing. Roman and I wanted to have a sleep over last night."

"Two grown men wanted to have a sleepover?" She asked and they nodded. "Seems controversial to me."

Sasha's smirk faltered when she broke into a fit of laughter. Seth and Roman watched as she patted her knee humorously.

"Are you say that us having a sleepover is gay?"

"What, no! I was just-" She rambles as her face turns bright red making Seth and Roman laugh. "Nevermind, how do you guys want your eggs?"

"Scrambled." They both simultaneously say. Sasha nods and starts to make the food.

"Anyways, so is this a thing?" Roman asks gesturing to the only other two people in the room.

They share a knowing look. They've never discussed it, but they both knew what they were or what they wanted to be. He nodded his head at her and she look down with a smile.


"Damn, wait 'til Charlotte finds out about this."

"You can't tell her!" Sasha yelps and Roman gives her a questioning look. She lowered her gaze to the eggs and shares them into plates. "I want to first."

"Alright," Roman shrugs. He looks at Sasha and finally sees it. The way Seth smiles down at her. The way his lips connected to hers eagerly as he takes the eggs. They were in love. It was that type of love that can make any man sick. He smiled at them as Sasha handed him his food. "Thanks for the eggs babygirl."

She smiled and went to exit the kitchen. "I'm going to call Charlotte and tell her about us."


His heart sped up once he heard her use an adjective to describe them as a whole. He wanted to kiss her so badly and tell her how much he loved her, but he refrained and watched her go upstairs.

"You are so in love with her." Roman teases making Seth punch him in the arm. He winced, but still managed to keep the wicked smile on his face. "I am so telling Deanie."

"Yeah, you're not." Seth rolled his eyes and continued to eat his eggs that Sasha made. He needed to say it aloud, though. The feeling was eating him inside. "Fine, I do love her."

"I knew it!" He yelled making Seth roll his eyes. He laughs and they talk about their usual banter. Soon Roman decided to go home and make up with his girlfriend.

Leaving Seth and Sasha alone for the first time in a while. She raced downstairs and pinned him to the couch. Her breath fanning his face.

"It's getting late." She smirked and placed a firm kiss on his lips. "That means I gotta go soon."

"But, I don't want you to go."

He pouted making her chuckle. She smiled and kissed his pout away. His hand found her waist; pulling her into his. They layed on the couch making out like two teenagers not daring to make a move to go any further.

"I don't wanna go either. But I have to, you know that." She sighed and he nodded. Sasha kissed his cheek and stood up from his embrace. She put on her shoes and looked back at him, giving a small wave before leaving.

She started on her way home, remembering the phone call with Charlotte from earlier.

"Sasha, I love you and all, but don't you think this is going to hurt Finn?"

"Would he even care?"

"From him kicking you out of the car. It's hurting him, Sash."

"Seth makes me happy. Really, really happy. I wanna enjoy that before I have to break his heart. Okay?"


She finally made it home and Finn was nowhere to be seen. She went into her room to find him laying down in their bed. She quickly went to change into night clothes since she took a shower at Seth's.

Sasha plopped down on to the bed and his eyes opened lazily. His crystal blue eyes were bloodshot and he was staring into her soul. The look didn't make her feel warm.

The look didn't make her swoon, it didn't even make her want to kiss him. She then realized.

She had completely and utterly fallen out out of love with Finn.

"I have to go to Hawaii tomorrow for a meet and greet. Charlotte just told me."

He nodded and turned his back to her without a word. She should be hurt, but she doesn't even care.

There was no love coming from her end and it was about time she showed it.

a/n alexa, play bad bitch party, thanks ;)

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