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S A S H A  B A N K S

Sasha pulled up her maxi skirt and dusted it down as she looked at herself in her mirror. She was sure of herself tonight. Her phone beeped.

{7:45 p.m.} Finn : I made it

She sighed before typing back a reply. Her door knocked as she rushed towards it. Sasha opens the door to reveal a very perky Bayley.

"Mom!" She yelled as she pulled Sasha into a tight hug. Sasha wanted to cry right then and there. She hadn't seen Bayley in what felt like years, but in reality was only three months.

Sasha was mad at WWE when they made Bayley get drafted to the blue brand alone, but with all the success she's found, she was proud. Bayley was now the first ever women's grand-slam champion. Sasha was beyond excited for her best friend, she had only been dreaming of it, but now it was a reality.

They pulled apart and Bayley stepped inside. She then looked at Sasha's outfit. "Damn, who you trying to impress?" she laughed as Sasha shrugged.

"No one, I guess."

"What happened?" Bayley asks concerned. Sasha was rarely ever sad, so when she was. It was very concerning. Bayley sighed as Sasha shook her head.

"Not tonight Bay. I don't want to think about it."

Bayley immediately nodded. She knew that this meant, tomorrow. Sasha was going to party tonight, then break in the morning, Bayley was not about to let her start that stage any earlier.

They took some pictures before heading downstairs to meet Charlotte and Renee. Sasha links arms with Bayley as the step out the elevator, getting a couple looks from the men who were watching her.

Renee and Charlotte walk up to their friends and set on their walk to the car. They were going to meet the boys there.

"You guys look good." Sasha smiles as Renee and Charlotte smile. Bayley smiles back as she watches Sasha pat down her own outfit. She felt over dressed as Charlotte was wearing a pink, short, pants suit, Renee wearing a jean jacket and tights.

They start their drive to the bar and Sasha fell into a deep thought. Should she have answered Finn? It was the right thing to do, afterall she was going to fix their relationship.
She sighed before pulling out her phone and writing a quick message.

{8:21 p.m.} Sasha: sorry, got caught up. Have fun <3

Bayley watched as Sasha gulped back tears. Now she needed to know what was happening in Sasha's head. It was unusual for her to cry in the middle of the night, especially minutes before heading into a bar. She had only hoped it wasn't anything serious.

Charlotte pulled up to 'puzzles'. She turned back to all of her friends, not so much Renee because what she wanted to say, didn't include her.

"Renee and I are going to be hanging with Ro and Deano all night. Don't go home with strangers and don't let them roofy you. Got it?"

"Yes mom." Sasha groans before exiting the car. She dragged her feet making her heels click against the cold concentrate. Bayley followed closely behind her as they spotted Seth and Xavier.

Sasha smiled slightly, Xavier was probably one of her favorite people she had meet in WWE besides Kev and Bay. She slid into the booth beside him and sparked up conversation.

"So, how's life been treating you?" He asks as she shrugs. "Don't really have anything to complain about." Sasha adds as Xavier nods on agreemnt. About ten mintues into the conversation Sasha got a text.

{8:47 p.m.} Finn: okay, well bye i guess

She shrugged and felt a wave of tears about to hit. Her smile dropped as she rushed out of the booth heading to the bar. The man hooked her up immediately for her wonderful body that he had taken account of.

"I'm going to talk to her." Seth says says as Xavier shrugs. Sasha was hot-and-cold with Seth, it wasn't new. So he was surprised when she answered his call.

"Wanna talk about it, Banks?" She looked up at him to find soemthing she hadn't seen in years, he seems genuine. She sighed as she ordered a bottle of Grey Goose to go. Seth pulled her out of the bar and into the back of his car along with him. He didn't care how bad it looked, he needed to know what happened and that's all that mattered.


"Finn and I are in trouble....i think."

"Still confused, pinky."

She explains to him everyting she explained to Charlotte. He had watched her shower her self with shots of vodka and while he grabbed the bottle she let out a groan like a child.


"Sasha, babygirl, you've drank half the bottle and are a complete mess. Finn and you will work it out. I can guarantee you." He smiles as he takes a sip of the vodka.

"I'm not so sure."

"You will. You guys have been doing it since 2014. Everyone strives to be as happy as y'all. You'll make it." He exclaims as she bows her head.

"You have to promise what was said here, never leaves this car." She says as he nods quickly. "I'm not, I'm not happy."

He sighs as she leans her head out the window. He's never seen Sasha so sad, well lost. It looked like she was fighting a war with herself in her head. They've been friends since their indie wrestling days.

"I should be. I should be over the moon, cloud-nine happy, but I am not."

"Sasha you're being to hard on yourself. You don't have to be anything. No feeling should be forced, you are allowed to feel whatever you want to."

"Thank you, Seth. I needed that."

They fell into a silence. Sasha couldn't help, but think about what he said. If everyone strives to be like them, she's not allowed to break it off publicly. It would be too much talk around backstage, not to mention the talk on social media.

"I'll text you later. I think I'm going to head back." Sasha says before Seth stops her from exiting the car. "Charlotte bring you here?" He asked which she nodded slowly.

"Text her, I'll drive you back. I was bored anyways." He explained and she took out her phone letting Charlotte know that she was heading back with Seth.

He knew she needed a distraction, so despite not being a fan of k-pop he blasted some for her. The bright smile he learned to love was back. She yelled the lyrics and danced in her seat.

They arrived at the hotel in a short fifteen minutes. He pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car. "You gonna be okay, alone tonight?"

"Yeah, thank you so much." She smiles giving him a quick side hug. She leaves the car after giving him a final wave. He pulls into a parking spot and hops out of his car.

"Rollins, wait!" Sasha cried as she ran back to his car. "I forgot my phone."

He chuckled and pressed his key buttons, opening the door for her. She smiled and grabbed it quickly. They soon headed inside together and headed upstairs.

"Goodnight, Banks."

"Goodnight, Seth."

a/n this book is prewritten so all the chapters are already done <3

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