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F I N N   B A L O R


Something Finn had stopped. For a long time. Being with Sasha had shown him that he could find happiness in something other than the bottom of the bottle. Without her here, he had lost all hope in finding happiness elsewhere.

On top of drinking, it was only twelve a.m. meaning that he should he at the preformance centre, but instead he is here, downing shot after shot until he couldn't remember his own name.

"Finn?" He hears from behind him. None other than his long time friend, Seth Rollins.

"Aye lad!" He yelps as he roughly wraps his arm around Seth's neck. "A shot for my boy here."

"No, we're done here." Seth said before slapping a hundred dollar bill on the counter. He hadn't seen Finn outside of work in a while, but he does remember that Finn doesn't drink.

"Where you taking me?" Finn giggled while tripping on his way to Seth's car. "What were you doing in there?"

"Had to pee. Are you alright?"

"Alright?" He laughed. He laughed so hard that his face turned red. Seth watched him in guilt. He made this man this way. He should have just left Sasha alone, but he couldn't. "Mate, I have never been so broken in my life."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? This ain't your fault. It's that pig who stole my girlfriend. I swear if I ever see him, I'd beat his arse."

Seth sighed. He wanted to tell him that it was his fault. That he was the asshole who took his girlfriend. He started the engine and took off to Finn's house.

"You know, after five years of being together, I thought that she would at least tell me who was the lucky fello'. She just said she didn't love me anymore and waltz off to him."

"Is that so?"

"Yes!" He yelled. His face was red again. Seth had never seen Finn's blue eyes so clouded with rage. He did not know what Finn was capable of and did not really want to find out. "I texted her. She didn't even reply."

"I don't know what to say."

"Well," Finn sighed. "It's just, her things. I still have to look at 'em. It still smells like her. It's like she is still there even though she's moved on. It is just so hard because I was used to her. For five whole years she was in my life. I do not think it'll get easier."

"No, Fergal, you're stronger than this. It will get better. It always does. You'll move on just like she has. It will get easier because one day you'll forget to miss her, forget her scent, and forget what it was like when she was there. I promise you."

"Thanks, mate." Finn nods as Seth pulls into the drive way. He gets out of his side to help Finn out of his. Barley being able to stand on his own, Finn makes it to the door, but it was already open.

"Did you remember to close it?"

"Yes, I swear I did."

They walk in and everything is still in place. It seems normal. Seems. "Finn, this is my last box I've got. Then I'm out of your hair."

Seth froze. He wasn't supposed to be here. He needed to go and fast. He sat Finn down on the couch quickly, but not quick enough for his new girlfriend. She made it down the stairs to see both him and Finn in the living room. They both made eye contact and froze.

"You done?"

"Y-Y-Yeah." She finally gets out, but her eyes do not leave her boyfriend's. How were they going to get out of here without it being obvious?

"Well, I'll see you when I see you."

"Yeah, I've gotta go too. I'll see you at work sometime."

Finn nods watching the pair walk strangely close to each other on their way to the door. "I know."

They both stop dead in their tracks. "What?"

"You are both horrible people."

"Finn, I-"

"You preach to me in the car how it will all get better, yet it won't. My friend stole my girlfriend from under my nose."

"I am sorry."

"Save it! I should have known that you would do something like this. I mean, it is not like you have ever been a good man when it comes to relationships. You have to lie and cheat to get anything you want." Finn growls stepping closer to Seth. Even though he was relatively smaller than Seth. He felt big in this situation.

"I never meant to hurt you."

"But, you did! And you knew you would hurt me. You are nothing to me, you hear me!" He spat as he punched Seth in the jaw. Seth fell slightly backwards as Sasha caught him. She watched in shock.

Finn was never a man of violence outside the ring, but he had every right to be mad. What they did was wrong.

"Leave." He said calmly. "And if I never see you again, it'll be too soon."

Sasha and Seth left in shame. They were not ashamed of their love. They were ashame of what it was made from. It was made from cheating and lying just like Finn had said. They would have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Just as they were on their way to their cars, Kevin pulled up. "Oh this is rich. It was you?"

Seth looked away without a word. "As I said before Sasha. I hate you. You don't deserve to be happy after what you put this man through." He spat before walking into his best friend's house.

Sasha hated to admit it, but Kevin had a point. She put Finn through hell. But they would both eventually get over it and everything would be okay.

It might not be soon, but when it did happen, It would be great.

a/n whats up yalllll. k so as most of yall know i was jumped. i still have not gotten better, butttt i wanted to write this because i think yall have waited long enough. once i do recover, i will have more chapters out for yall.

love you all <333

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