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Sasha didn't know how to tell Finn she was going to be spend her whole day with another man, but she had to or else it would seem bad.

"Finn?" She called from upstairs as she pulled her tight, dark, gray, cotton shorts up. Sasha heard his feet pad to her the room.


"Me and Rollins are gonna hang out today." She says as if it wasn't up for discussion. He looked at her before shaking his head. "What?"

"No you're not." He scoffs making her chuckle sarcastically. "So you can leave me for your friends, but I can't leave you for one day, for mine?" Sasha snapped.

She was done with his hypocrisy. She had never ditched him, but today she will and she didn't care how he felt. It was time for her to be selfish.

"Sasha, can we talk about this-"

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm leaving in twenty minutes and I'll be out all day." She shrugs as she pulls a black tank-top over her head. Finn wanted her to stay, tell her how much she meant to him and he couldn't imagine losing her to Seth, but he didn't.

That's all it would've taken for her to stay and be knew that, but yet he couldn't utter the words. Sasha wanted him to tell her to stay. Tell her he needed her to stay, but she knew it wasn't happening.

Sasha slides on her fuzzy black slides and heads out. She didn't even look at Finn on the way out, she suddenly didn't want to be in a fight with him. Usually when they fight, they yell until they were tired, but this time he didn't even put up a fight.

This was draining.

So she was glad she had an escape, even if the escape is what caused the fight in the first place. Sasha headed to Seth's room and knocked softly on the door.

The door opened minutes later to reveal a tired Seth. His eyes bloodshot and his lips plump and red. He had been crying. Sasha's heart broke at the sight, it shattered when another tear fell down his cheek.

"Sasha, hey." He said trying to be enthusiastic, but she could see right through his act. Especially when he called her 'Sasha'. She pushed herself into his room to find it spotless. No trace of alcohol which was a good sign, when Seth got sad he tended to drink away his problems.

Sasha's head snapped at the snap of the door closing. She didn't even know where to start. What should she ask? She can't ask if he was okay because obviously was a stupid question. She sat on his bed and patted the spot beside her.

He sat down and looked at her slightly. He wanted to pour his heart out to her, but he had to remind himself that his life wasn't her problem.

"Tell me everything."

The wall he was building crumbled after hearing the tone of her voice.

"It's my step-dad." He says as more tears leave his eyes. His step-dad was basically his dad. There for him while his father went and made a new life, with a new family. "He, he fell. He's in a coma, we don't know if he's gonna make it, Sasha."

The room fell silent. One thing Sasha knew, when Seth was sad, he didn't want to be cheered up. He wanted to be sad for how ever long he felt he needed to be.

She scooted closer to him and patted her lap, letting him lay his head in it. He looked up at her making her chest tighten. It wasn't fair for him to he going through something like this, especially after him help improve her mood yesterday.

"Seth, everything is going to he okay, he'll wake up. I can promise you that much."

"I hope you're right." He mumbled as they continued to stare at each other. The silence wasn't exactly comfortable, it was more of 'I don't know what to say' silence.

She traced his eyebrow with her finger, slowly as she took in every one of his features. The man looking up at her used yo be her best friend. Used to be her everything, but now they were starting fresh even though she knew him like the back of her hand.

"Still wanna go on our adventure?" That was the question that made Seth fall back into reality. When he was with Sasha, she kept him grounded yet he felt like he was floating. But the flying he was just doing, wasn't up. In fact it wasn't flying at all, he felt as if he was sinking.

"Yes, let me get ready." He said with a sad smile to which Sasha returned a genuine one.

Number one thing he loved about Sasha. She never let the person she pitied know about it.

She slid back on her slides and waited for him as she scrolled through her phone. She came across a picture of Finn and Kevin and her heart should have done a thing since it was the love her life, but it didn't.

She double tapped and kept scrolling. Seth soon appeared in his favorite skinny jeans, Cubs jersey and baseball cap. Sasha made a face at the way his hat was positioned on his head.


"Fix your hat, it's giving me OCD." She laughed as he turned it around and straightened it to put it back on. She smiled and they left the room.

"You know, you never told me where we were going."

"Well, princess it's a surprise." He smirked. He knew how much she hated surprises, but yet he still insisted on giving her them on numerous occasions.

They get into his car and start on their way to his destination. She looked over at him as he concentrated on the road. He looked so different, he had evolved and she was beyond proud of him. He used to hate his image, so he changed it without hesitation. Without being able to stop herself latched her hand onto his.

He thought she was sad because of his step-dad, but deep down he couldn't help but hope it was more than that. She brought his hand to her lips and his heart did a thing.

He could've sworn he was going to have a heart attack. She was so precious, he almost felt bad for loving while she is taken. The light turned red and he couldn't help, but connect their eyes. She felt so naked under his gaze, she hasn't felt like this before and she loved it.

"I've missed this."

"I know, baby, I missed this too." He said making her blush. They pull up to k-con and Sasha almost has a stroke. "Seth, is this real?"

"The real deal, baybee."

She hopped out the car and squealed. She had been dying to go to one of these and now she was finally here. Seth slowly made his way out of the car and Sasha jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She chanted while she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. He smiled as he hugged her back. This was all the reaction he could have hopped for.

He put her down and her eyes wandered around the convention. "Where to first, babygirl?"

"Food stations!"

The next couple of hours was spent eating food and meeting characters from her favourite band groups and animes. "Seth this means the world to me, I don't know how you knew, but thank you."

"Sasha, you've thanked me enough."

"Yeah, but-"

"Shhh, let's go to tbe feris wheel, there's no line." He hauled her over and they entered the cart as they were strapped in by the worker.

As their cart went up, Sasha couldn't help but wonder if Fin would ever do something like this for her? Would he even remember her obsessing about this? She frowned at the answer in her head.


Sasha snuggled herself further into Seth's side and rested her head on his shoulder. He knew exactly what she was thinking, it made him sad because she knew she was underappreciated and it sucked.

He kissed her forehead and she melted further into his body.

"We're not leaving each other again."

a/n eh? better ig 💀

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