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F I N N   B A L O R

Finn woke up with an idea in mind. Many people would call him stupid for it, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He needed to do this and maybe he was a little delusional.

He looked at his black haired girlfriend and shook his head. Finn slipped a pair of joggers and headed out. He was going alone. No one was going to talk him out of this.

Not even himself.

Whatever part of him that was telling him no was going to have to shut up today, because he was doing it regardless.

"Good Morning, Sir. How may I be of service to you today?"

"Yes, show me this entire collection." He smiles showing the man his phone. To which he nods and heads towards the back.


Finn tightened his tie and Sasha positioned her necklace properly. Tonight was the night, she eas going to confess. She was going to be formally dating Seth Rollins in approximately five hours.

"You ready to go?"

"Yes, just let me put my shoes on real quick." She says before sliding on her heels. Interlocking hands, they exit their house. "Where are we going?"

"To dinner." He jokes making her smile slightly. "Um, I don't know if you've heard of it, but it is a rooftop place, Pete Davidson's family owns it."

"Oh, I'm excited." She smiled fakely. She couldn't wait for the night to be over. She was sick and tired of pretending that this was what she wanted. She was over the lies, no matter how far back they ran.

Finn interlocked their fingers as they walked into the restaurant's elevator doors. "I love you." He smiled down at her.

"You too, baby."

His smile faded a bit. She couldn't even render the words back. Maybe it was truly dead. He shook off the thought. He swore that tonight was all about happiness and how he was going to have a good ora going into it.

They arrive to the top and are escorted to the table by the ledge which made Sasha squeal. At least she was happy about one thing.

"Tonight is going to be special I can feel it."

"Me too."

Special for two entirely different things.

Sasha was going to be with the man she truly loved, openly.

Finn, well we couldn't tell just yet.

After ordering their dishes they talked. For the first time in a while actually. He found out about her trip and she found out about his meet and greets. Maybe it was the little things that actually held their relationship together.

"Order up." The waiter joked and slid the pasta to Sasha and Salmon to Finn. Sasha looked down to see a gem in her food. "Um-"

Finn watched as she picked it up to realize it was a ring: an engagement ring. It sparkled beautifully as she stared down at it. Her eyes followed Finn who fell to one knee.

'Oh no..' She thought.


"Get up."

"I w-"

"No, get up before people start to look at us."

"No," He said quietly. "I love you. I will always love you. The past five years with you haven't been anything short of perfect. You make me a better man, I do everything in my life just for you. On everything holy, I don't think I could live without you. You're my everything. You make me want to wake up in the morning. You make me excited to go to work because then I'll be with you. You make me, Fergal again. Someone I haven't been for a while. Five years with you always felt brand new. I want to spend forever with you. So, Mercedes, will you do me the honour and make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"

Sasha sat there, jaw dropped. How could he? She told him to get up, she told him not to. Now she felt guilter than before. "Finn, I-" She stopped herself before the words could become a reality. If she married Finn, it could all go back to normal. She could be happy, pretend Seth never happened. But is that what she wanted?


No, Seth was what she wanted.

He was what she needed.

He was who she wanted to marry.

"I cheated on you.." She had finally said it. She saw the light from his eyes disappear. She saw his shoulders drop and as his head fall, she saw his soul float away. She had just killed a man.

And nothing she could say or do would fix him.

She was selfish.

Disgustingly selfish.

"Finn, get up. We can talk about this."

"Sasha, there's nothing to say. It's over, you don't love me."

"But I did, that's gotta count for something."

"Go home, Sasha. Matter of fact, go to him. Kiss him and tell him that you finally ended it. Because I bet that's all you want to do right now." He finally made eye contact with her. His normally baby-blue eyes were now gray. Shiny with tears and red with distress. She hated herself for being the reasoning behind his sadness.

"Finn, please."

"Sasha, not now. You've hurt me enough for tonight. I don't think I can even hear anything else tonight. I just hope he makes you happy, I hope he makes you smile, I hope he makes you feel loved, I hope he makes you want to wake up in the morning, I-I hope he's you're every thing. Like you were to me. I hope you love him as much as I loved you." He bows his head. "Because as much as it pains me to say, I just want you to be happy, even if that happiness isn't with me."

She silently got up. Looking down at the broken man. He deserves better. Better than she could've ever given him. He didn't deserve to be cheated on and his most definitely didn't deserve his heart to be stomped on.

Sasha watched the tears from his eyes stain the concrete floor before she booked it out the door.

She was evil.

a/n guys, this kinda hurt me to write. my bb finn doesn't deserve this heartbreak

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