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F I N N   B A L O R

The last couple of his life had been moving in slow motion. Their house had been silent. Sasha barely even talked to him anymore.

She was always on her phone laughing at the person she was talking to. His heart broke every time she let out a hearty laugh. There was a drift in their relationship and this was only the beginning.

Sasha and Finn sat at different sides of the table silently eating dinner. Her eyes trained on her phone as she giggled. It was like she wasn't even trying to hide it. His chest burned in jealously.

He used to make her laugh like that.

It was like she didn't care if they didn't speak. His life was in slow motion. She was his muse, but right now she was someone else's. He wished he knew who.

He didn't wanna guess and make her out as something she wasn't, because even if she did cheat on him, he was still in love with her; like no other.

The way his heart would skip a beat when she smiled or when his stomach would churn when she giggled at his jokes. She was the love of his life and yet she was cheating on him.

"Sasha, put down the phone." He says before seeing her face change in confusion. "Please, baby, can we just have a normal dinner?"

She nodded and placed her phone face down on the darkwood table. He gave her a sad smile. "So, how have you been?" Finn asked. He genuinely didn't know how his girlfriend was and it was sad.

"I've been great. Life has been blissful." She smiled. It was like her eyes twinkled at the thought of him too. Finn wanted to cry, but he kept it together. Sasha's phone buzzed and it was like she forgot to even ask Finn how he was doing aswell.

She quickly reached out for her phone, about to pick it up. Sasha swiped it and a smile broke out on her face from the message Seth had sent her.

{ 5:23 p.m. } Seth: I bet you look gorgeous right now, princess.

{ 5:23 p.m. } Sasha: Stop it. You're making me blush.

{ 5:24 p.m. } Seth: That's my goal baby. I just miss you so much :(

Sasha was about to reply when she heard Finn clear his throat. She looked up from her phone like she did nothing out of the ordinary. She then really looked at Finn. He looked tried. Bags under his eyes, his hair wasn't perfectly styled like usual and his lips were pinker than normal.

"Sasha, can you please put down the phone. I was trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend."

"This will only take a second."

{ 5:35 p.m. } Sasha: I miss you too, but we'll see each other soon

"Jesus, who even is it?" He had finally snapped. He had, had enough. All he was trying to do was love his girlfriend and she kept at a distance. He could feel the drift in their relationship and it was scaring him.

Sasha looked down, but this time not at her phone. She was picking her finger nails, something she did when she couldn't form words to lie, something Finn knew all to well.

"Sasha, if you're going to lie, then don't even bother. Goodnight."

"Goodnight? It's only like six o'clock." She says standing up like he did. He sighs and only then does she realize, he is crying. He's even biting back a sob and she can see it. Sasha wanted to hold him and make all of his pain go away, but then she realized she was the cause of his pain.

"Baby." She says reaching up wiping away his tear. "Stop crying, please. Talk to me."

"Sasha, I've tried. It's been two weeks since you've formulated proper words to me. Today is the first time that you've even looked me the eye. No matter how hard I try, I don't think I'll ever be good enough. You make me feel as if I could, one day live up to your standards, but everyday they get knocked back down. Sasha, I just love you so, so much. And it's like-"

He puts his head down. Letting out all the tears he has been holding back. Sasha stood there speechless. She didn't know what to say or do, so she didn't say anything; she didn't do anything either.

She stood there; frozen. She stared up at him waiting to see what he was going to do next, like a monkey in a zoo.

The guilt was eating her alive. How could she be so stupid and careless. Of course he would catch on, but for some reason she didn't think it was going to hurt him the way it did. It was like, he had died.

Sasha was killing him slowly, but surely. She knew she could stop it and just keep her relationship wholesome, but how do you do that when you can't get the other person out of your head. The way his calloused hands roamed your body or the way his grizzled beard tickled your neck when planted kisses upon you.

Sasha looked down, she needed to go. She needed to get out of here. She grabbed her phone, slipped on her shoes and left. Just like that, while her boyfriend of five years was having an upsetting time. She left him to deal with it himself.

That's when Finn knew:

He'd lost his girlfriend.

Whoever it was she was with, he was doing so much better than Finn could have ever dreamed of. As stupid as it sounds, Finn only ever wanted to cause Sasha joy. He would go out of his way to make sure she had the best days off of work.

Now the man Sasha keeps sneaking off with is topping him. Making him seen stupid, slow and careless.

Finn gathered his thoughts and slowly made his way upstairs at their house. He plopped down on the bed and cried hard. Harder than he did when his dad died and harder then he did when he found out he lost his first ever championship; the Universal championship.

What made this so much worse was that his heart was being torn and there was no way he could stop it. It took him a while to heal from his dad, but he did it. With his championship he worked to get back to the top, now winning the Intercontinental championship. With Sasha he didn't know what to do. He didn't even want to think of a proper solution right now either.

He just wanted his pain to leave.

Shortly after Sasha came back with ice cream saying she went out with Becky. He believed her because Becky was the only one who was out of Europe. He sat up and thanked her for it.

They picked a Netflix show and watched it quietly.

a/n next chapter will be better i swear

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