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F I N N   B A L O R

How do you focus after knowing that? Knowing that you weren't the last lips she's kissed, the last person to see her naked, the last person who's name she moaned or the last person she gave it up to.

You simply can't. With her jumping with every movement, it was hard not screaming you knew. Knew that she was unfaithful.

They sat in silence as Finn quickly shoveled his food into his mouth. He needed to get out, out of this air suffocating room. He was sure he'd die if he stayed any longer. He thought they were fine, but turns out there was more damage then he ever could've imagined.

"Uh. What's today looking like?"

It was date night, or it was supposed to be. He was not going, he didn't care if he had to pretend to puke, Finn was not going. He shrugged.

"Kevin, Sami and I have a meeting with Vince."

Perfect excuse. Sasha of all people should understand that meetings with Vince were important.

"Oh, good news I hope."

"Yeah, me too." He said dryly not even looking up from his plate. Sasha hurt him, she broke his heart. They had barely had any fights or bumps along the road.

He was sure he was going to marry her one day, but turns out he was wrong. He was the only one who wanted that future. He was the only one who would pledge his life to her. He just hoped who ever she did it with, was worth it.

"Are we okay?" She finally coughs up and Finn had to stop himself from scoffing. How dare she ask that? She was the reason their thin ice broke.

"Perfect." He paused to pick up his plate. "I'm going to go."

"What?" Sasha jerked up looking at the clock. "It's only nine am!"

"Got to meet Kev to push in a workout before the meeting."

"Can I tag along?"

"Sorry, no space in the car."

And with that he was out of the door with his gym bag hand. As soon as the door closed it was like he could breathe again. He wouldn't say a breath of fresh air, but a breath of relief. Relief that his world hasn't crashed down because he was almost positive that his world just slept with another man.

He sighed before calling Kevin to pick him up. Him, Sami and Kevin were going to have dinner. Kevin arrived to see Finn sitting on the curb hugging himself from the cold.

Kevin's face dropped in confusion, why didn't he just wait upstairs? He pulled up infront of Finn and he jumped into the car. Kevin studied Finn's face and saw nothing, but hurt. Someone hurt him, badly.

"Finn, what happened?"

"Nothing." He said dryly not looking Kevin in the eyes. He starred at the ground as the drove slowly out of the driveway.

"I'm insulted that we've been best friend's for seven years and you think I cannot detect that something's up," Kevin huffed and paused. "I'll ask you one more time. What happened?"

"Sasha cheated."


"She cheated on me, last night."

"How do you know?"

"I don't for sure, but the way she's been acting since then makes me believe I'm right." Finn said as he felt a tear leave his eye. "I love her, Kev. More than anything in the world and now she might have slept with some guy."

Kevin's heart broke at the sight. His best friend was broken, it was more than heart breaking actually. He had only hoped Sasha didn't. If she did, he didn't know if Finn could ever bounce back.

The remainder of the drive consisted of Finn pouring his heart out to his best friend in hope that he would feel better, which he did. They pull up to the bar Sami was waiting at.

"You wanna tell him too, or-"

"No. Please just keep this between us?"

"Of course."

Finn knew he could trust Kevin. He loved Sami, but every trio has someone they prefer and the person he prefered was Kevin. They slowly walked into the bar, giving Finn enough to time to regain his composure.

"What's up, Finn?"

Sami's eyes lit up at the sight of his friends. Ever since Sami got with Becky, it became harder for him to fly out to see his friends. Anytime he got was precious. They sat down and ordered some appetizers.

"So, what's new?" Sami asked as he popped a jalapeno chip. He honestly didn't want to live in Ireland for the next year, but since Becky needed to be home for a bit, he had to be supportive. Being away from his best friends was hurting him.

"Nothing, I guess." Finn shrugged with a small smile, he tried to fool Sami, but it wasn't working well. Sami just figured he would know when Finn wanted to tell him.

"I got a dog! Her name is Roxie." Kevin smiles proudly. He had been wanting a dog for years now, but moved around too much for one and now that had settled back in Canada he took advantage.

"Good, what breed?"

"I wanted a pitbull, but they're banned in Canada," Kevin rolled his eyes at the silly Canadian law. "So I got a pug, look."

He pulled out his phone to show the baby pug. It was black with green eyes, very rare for it's kind. "Kev, she's adorable. How old?"

"Two months, she didn't have a mom, she was found in a ditch covered in oil. I had to adopt her after I heard the story."

"You're so soft." Finn joked. This is what the night consisted of, jokes and eating. This is what they all needed in a way, Finn needed to be away from Sasha. Sami needed to see his friends. Kevin needed to laugh, his sister was in a car accident and she can't walk anymore, with his sister being his best friend, it hit him hard. Right now, they helped each other through the hard patches.

That's what best friends are for.

a/n this chap was basically just to show you how badly it effected finn. i'm sorry, i was writing this while watching the game oops💀

also my city WON baby. my man lowry, siakam, vanvleet and gasol came for their neckssss. kwahi was amazing too.

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