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S E T H   R O L L I N S

He layed starring at his ceiling. He had done it. The one thing he has said he wasn't going to do. He made Sasha an unfaithful women, all because be couldn't keep his feelings platonic anymore.

He still can't get the vision of her grabbing her clothes and running in shame. He made her feel shameful. It had been three days since the incident and three days since he had interacted with anyone from the outside world.

Seth finally sat up. He listened to the rain harshly hit his window. The rain was helping him calm down, just like it had when he dad left him as a child.

The rain was his true best friend. It would come and go, but it would always return.

Seth heard a faint knock at his door and for the fifth time today, he ignored it. It then became bangs, he shrugged and placed his head back under his pillow.

"Open this door right now, or I swear to God, Seth, I'll break it off the hedges!"

Seth knew that voice anywhere. It belonged to none other then his best friend, Dean Ambrose. He sighed before dragging himself to the door.

"What?" He snapped before realizing his friends had no idea what happened in the last seventy-two hours. His tensed shoulders had now become slouched. He needed to calm down.

"Where the hell have you been?" Roman yelled as he appeared from behind Dean. Seth sighed before opening his door wider. They reluctantly entered his oddly tidded house.

"Seth, did you actually clean?" Dean asks shocked, slipping his shoes off and looking around the living room area. Seth nodded, he still hadn't been able to formulate words, he couldn't tell them.

He wouldn't tell them.

Roman and Dean plopped down on his couch and waited for him to sit on the one across from them. He got comfortable before he was bombarded with questions.

"Where have you been?"

"What's going on?"

"You really blew off Nikki Bella?"

"Are you alright?"

The last question stung. Was he alright? He looked into both of his 'brother's' eyes and shook his head. Their expression softened when they realized which question he answered.

"Seth, I know we've never been the type to sit down and talk about your feelings, but we're here for you. No matter what happens. We both love you, so, so much. You're our little brother and we will never leave your side." Roman explains.

"You don't have to tell us what happened right now, or at all, but we're not leaving until we see you smile. Got it?" Dean says as Seth nods.

'I really do have the best friends ever' Seth thought as he smiled sadly at them. He needed to get out of this funk, it made him feel weak. If Sasha wanted to be with him, she would of called or texted, but she didn't and he took that as a sign.

Seth gestured to his downstairs winery. He only went down there on special occasions, in this case; drinking away sadness was on of them. He sat at the bar stool while Dean went behind the bar to be a tender.

"What can I get you, kind-sir?"

Seth couldn't bite back his laugh. Dean never failed to make him laugh, even if it was with his childish british accent. Seth and Roman watched as Dean tried to mix their drinks 'professionally'.

"Deano, you done?" Roman hollered in laughter. Dean had the remainder of the red wine dripping down his shirt. He finally settled on pouring everyone a glass of white wine, but himself. He promised Renee he wouldn't drink today, prior to meeting up with her parents.

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