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Sasha smiles at Seth as he continues their drive. They had been driving for what felt like hours. She did not mind though, with the breeze running through her newly dyed hair, she was happy.

"Are you sure you're not lost, baby." She teases making him scoff.

"No! I just need to make sure that we get there exactly as the sunrises."


"Why did you decide to dye your hair back?"

"Well, when I dyed it black I was going through a transiton in my life where I lost myself, but now I have found myself again. I am truly happy."

"You're so cute." He smiles making her blush. They continue their small talk as Seth finally pulls up to a building. "We are here!"

He helps Sasha out of the car before handing her a blindfold. "Put this on, quickly." Seth tells her as he presses the elevator buttons. She quickly puts on the blindfold and Seth smiles brightly.

It was really happening.

He was going to propose.

"Stay right here." He instructs as they exit the elevator to the roof. Where there were rose petals and candles. Seth stepped into the middle circle of the trail of petals and got down on one knee.

"Take it off." He whispers. She quickly pulled her blindfold off. She rubs her eyes before she notices what is about to happen.

She felt excited, happy and eager. She wanted to say yes and he didn't even ask the question yet. This is how you are supposed to feel when someone proposes, she tells herself. This felr right.

Sasha's smile grew as she walked down the trail and met Seth at the end. "Sasha, you-"


"I didn't-"


"Sasha, let me give the speech." He chuckles. He was happy to know she was as excited as he was. "You make me a better man, you helped me through so much. You've been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. Being with with you these past months has taught me a few things. When you really and truly love someone, no one and nothing can stand in the way. You taught me what it meant to be in love. I love you so, so, so much. It would be an honour to spend the rest of my life with you. Sasha, will you marry me?"

"Yes, of course!" She yelled through tears as she dropped to her knees and pulled him in for a kiss. And it felt different. She felt this kiss in her heart, no longer just in her stomach. Tears poured from her eyes as she pulled away.

"I guess you don't want the ring." Seth teases making her laugh. She holds out her hand and he slids on a gold, diamond ring. She looked at for a minute longer before looking back up at him.

"I love you." She whispered as she pecked his lips. "I can't wait to marry you."

"Me either, Ms. Lopez."

Sasha smiled bigger. "Okay, I really do not want this moment to end, but is there going to be any food? I am starving."

"Only you, Sasha, only you." He laughs as he gestures for the food to be brought out. He leads her to the candle-lit table and sat her down.

"You are going to be the best husband ever."

"And you are going to be the best wife."

She smiles as she starts to eat her food. "This is probably way to earlier, but I was thinking. Wedding in Cabo?"

"Oh my god, yes!" Seth yells. "I fucking love Cabo."

"Then it is settled. Wedding in Cabo." She blushes as he takes her hand.

"You're perfect."

a/n sorry this was so short, but thats a wrap of this book. I LOVE YOU ALL. <3

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