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F I N N   B A L O R

After last night, Finn wasn't planning on calling anyone, not even Kevin. But he did anyways. He called Kevin and Sami to come over.

"Hey man!" Sami cheered and hugged his best friend tightly. Whike Kevin shook his head slightly. His chest burned. He hoped Sasha felt as bad as Finn looked before he looked horrible.

"Talk or mute?" They had this thing where they could talk about the problem or mute it like it wasn't causing an elephant in the room. "Mute now, talk later."

Kevin and Sami nodded and picked up the phone. "Well, pizza it is."

They had a guys day. Pizza, PS4 games, booze and prank calls to their other friends. Finn couldn't ask for a better way to forget about Sasha and how much of a fool he made out of himself yesterday.

"So, I guess it's time to tell you guys how much of an ass I made myself yesterday?"


"Well, I proposed to Sasha."

Sami's eyes bulge out of his head while Kevin's darken. He knew what was coming next. "She uh, she said no. She admitted to cheating on me, we broke up." He said shrugging.

"Broke up? After five whole years. Bro, I'm so sorry." Sami says quietly. He didn't even know they were having problems. Maybe he was a bad friend, he thought. Kevin shook his head.

"Did she at least say who it was?" Kevin asked as Finn shook his head. "I don't think I was ready to hear last night. Those four words are not the ones you want to even hear when on one knee. She really broke my heart y'all."

He rubbed his eyes harshly trying not to cry again, but he failed. Maybe it was all just too much to handle right now. Maybe he needed a change. Maybe he needed to leave, go back home for a bit.

"I think I'm going to leave."

"What? And go where!"


"Finn, please, no! I need you. Who am I supposed to be with. Sami doesn't even live near us. He lives in Dublin. You're gonna move to Dublin, should I come too."

"Kev. You know I would never want you to be alone, but I don't think I can stay here. Being in this house, this state, this damn country just reminds me of her. I've been with her since I came to America, I don't know how to live here without her. I'll comeback, some day, just not now."

"Man, I'll miss you, every single day."

"I know man, I'll miss you too."

As he reaches up to hug his friend, he phone vibrates. Kevin grabs it and rolls his eyes.

"It's Sasha."

"What does it say?" Sami asks eagerly.

{4:57 p.m.} Sasha: I know you probably don't wanna speak to me, but if you want, you can meet me downstairs

"For what?" Sami asks. Then it clicks. "Go, go right now."

"What, why?"

"Can't you see. If you go, you get answers. All of them, go dressed like that if you want. Just go."



Finn walked into the dinner to see Sasha scrolling through her phone. He quickly made his way over to her booth and sat in front of her. She looked up and her mouth nearly dropped.

He looked horrible.

"Hey, you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, I feel like I owe an explanation."

"Go ahead."

"I just want you to know that I never stopped loving you. I just fell out of love."

"So, was it my fault?"

Oh God, no. She wanted to scream. There was nothing Finn did wrong. Even when he left her in the rain, he had a reason, she cheated and he was catching on.

"No, nothing was your fault. There was no way either of us could have stopped it. I fell out of love with you and it wasn't purposely. It just happened and I'm so, so, so sorry."

"I understand, but how long was it going on?"

"Since you went to Ireland."


She watched as he bowed his head. He shook it in realization and looked back into her eyes. "It was Seth, wasn't it?"

She nodded slowly.

"I'm so dumb-"

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am. I should've seen it coming. I should've payed more attention and maybe this wouldn't have happened. I was so dumb."

"Finn, this was nothing that you could've controlled."

"But it was. Maybe if I had taken you with me to Ireland, you wouldn't have slept with him and maybe you would still love me."

Sasha shook her head. "God has a path tor us all. You and I both know that everything happens for a reason. What we had came to an end for a reason. I just hate that I choose to betray you. What I did was totally out of line and you didn't deserve any of it. And for that I am sorry."

He looked at the women he once loved. She changed. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

She's grown as a person. More as an individual. Maybe Seth was good for her and as much as he hated to say it, maybe he was better than he was.

Seth and Sasha had a nice ring to it. Better than Finn and Sasha ever did. Not to mention how long it took for them to click while Seth and Sasha talked after five years like nothing happened.

"I have on question."


"Does he make you happy?"

"So, so, so happy."

"Happier than I made you?"

She bowed her head. She couldn't answer that. They both held different parts of her heart. But deep down she knew the answer.

"I'll take that as a yes. That's all I ever wanted for you though, was to he happy. I'm not thrilled about this, but I guess you should live in peace and happiness and if that starts with him, then I wish you the best."

And with that Finn leaves the diner with his head down and hands threaded into his pockets.

a/n ill update the last three chaps tmrrw. kinda tired

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