Chapter 1

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Published: Some date in October
Revised: March 18 - 8:29 P.M.

2009 December

"So, Winston," I said, leaning against the wall of Winston Straus's office. "Are you going to tell me who adopted me"

A moment of silence, save for the scratches of a pen and the rustling of paper. I sat down in the spinning chair, "I'll take that as a no then."

He nodded, engrossed in filling out my adoption papers.

Winston, being the douche of my friends, had said that someone special is coming to adopt me. And I, in turn, have repeatedly stated with out fail that I really, really hate surprises.

"You are correct, Ms. Kinsie, and for good reason to." Winston said with a slight grin. "So, you have your belongings packed?"

"Yes, it's been sitting in your office ever since I came in thirty minutes ago." I pointed out, spinning around in the spinning office chair.

He nodded again, slipping the finished papers into a vanilla colored folder and dropping them into a filing cabinet to his left. Winston then pulled out another set of paperwork, and once more picked up his ballpoint pen. More rustling of paper, more scratching of a pen.

I wonder if this what he does all day. If so, how does he last without dying of complete boredom?

"This is honestly boring!" I stated as I stood up from my seat, nearly knocking it down in the process. "How exactly do you last in here?"

Winston chuckled, "Usually Velv is in here on her laptop. She plays music from YouTube."

"I see." I murmured quietly, examining the little magnets sticking to one of the cabinets. "Have you ever thought of getting magnets that don't say Keep Calm and Carry On or Hang In There?"

"It's for restless children like you waiting for their parents, Q. Now sit down and treat yourself to some candy." He gently tossed a peppermint stick to me. "You just got adopted. Eat up. Celebrate."

I huffed, placing the stick in between my teeth and cheeks.

"Uh, hello?" A light, soft male voice called out, stepping inside the office. He was pretty tall, had ginger hair, and blue eyes with a tint of green to them.

I couldn't help but think he looked familiar.

"Hello, Mr. Fassbender." Winston greeted, quickly shuffling papers aside. His business voice had been replaced his playful, laid back tone. "Quantum, meet your new adopted father."

That's when it clicked.

Inglorious Basterds. 300. Currently filming X-Men.

Swiveling around in my chair, the next few words coming out of my mouth were completely jumbled. "H-hiya, name's my name's Q. Quantum Kinsie. Q or Kin for short. You ca- um- you can choose. Hi."

He held out his hand, "Michael. Michael Fassbender. A pleasure to meet you Quantum."

I shook it, "It's a great pleasure to meet you. Really it is."

With the necessary paperwork filled out, the two of us said our good-byes to dear old Winston. Out of the building, into the early morning sun and fresh air. Well, as fresh as it can get in suburban London.

Michael took my suitcase, carrying it to his car. He remarked that he usually drove in a motorcycle but today, he had been using it for special circumstances.

I climbed into the passenger's seat as he closed the trunk. In the next moment, he was sitting next to me, ready to drive.

The car started, and we were off.

The ride to his house was surprisingly uneventful. We talked about minor things like what we would do for school since I have to transfer or be homeschooled; or when he has to go traveling for auditions and filming scenes.

Then we had gotten onto the subject of my odd name.

"Quantum is just a nickname my friends gave to me; my actual name is Zelie." I fiddled with the bracelet hooked onto my wrist. "I prefer Q though, makes me sound pretty cool."

Michael chuckled. "Kind of like James Bond's quartermaster, right?"

"Well, I guess. I never really thought of it that way."

Adopted by Michael Fassbender (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now