Chapter 1

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Amber was in her room, finishing packing her bags. Bella was already done and waiting by the car with Phil.

"Are you almost ready?" Renée asked, walking into Amber's room.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Do you have all of your medications?" Renée asked.

"I think so." Amber said. "Can you check my medicine bag and make sure I didn't forget anything of them. It's in the bathroom."

"Sure." Renée said. She went into the bathroom that Amber and Bella shared. Amber has had leukemia since she was ten, so she has many medications that she had to take daily. She finished packing and walked out of her room. She met her mother in the hallway.

"Here you go." She said, handing Amber her medicine bag. "Everything is in there."

"Thanks Mom." Amber said.

"I still wish you and Bella would let me stay home with you guys." Renée said as they walked down the stairs.

"You've been staying home to take care of me and Bella while Phil travels for baseball." Amber said. "You deserve to travel with him."

"I know, but I'll miss you girls and worry about you guys." Renée said. "Especially you."

"Don't worry about us." Amber said. "We'll be with Dad."

"Well, you're Dad hasn't seen you two since you guys were 14." Renée said.

"We'll be fine." Amber said. They walked outside.

"I know, but he doesn't really know how to take care with all of your medications and everything."

"He'll be fine, Mom."  Amber said. "Me and Bella can help him."

"Come on, girls." Phil said. "You know I love you both, but we've got a plane to catch."

Amber put her bags in the trunk and got in the car. She had to admit that she would miss Phoenix and the heat. She wasn't looking forward to cold and rainy Forks. They got the airport, grabbed their stuff, and walked into the airport. Bella and Amber hugged their mother and Phil.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay home with you and Bella?" Renée asked again as she hugged Amber. "I hate being so far away from you."

"Mom, I'll be fine." Amber assured her mother. "If I need to, I can always call you."

"Ok." Renée said. "Have a good flight."

"Ok." Bella said.

The intercom overhead announced that their plane was boarding. Bella and Amber waved to their mom and Phil and boarded the plane. Amber took out a book and read the whole flight. When they plane landed in the Port Angeles airport, they got off the plane and looked around for their father.

"There he is." Amber said, spotting him at the end of the terminal. They walked over to him. "Hey Dad." Amber said as they got over them.

"Hey Bells. Amber." Charlie said, hugging them both.

"Hey." Bella said.

Charlie helped carry some of their bags out to his car. He put them in the trunk of the police cruiser and three of them got in the car. Charlie started it and drove to Forks. The ride was quiet. No one said a word. When they got to the small house, they got out and Charlie brought their bags in for them. The house was just as Amber remembered it. Charlie hadn't changed a thing since her and Bella were here three years ago, which wasn't surprising. Charlie showed them to their room. "There's a desk for you guys and the lamps work pretty well." Charlie said. Amber saw two beds with purple bedspreads and bedsheets. "The saleswoman at the store picked them out." Charlie said.

"You guys like purple, right?"

"Purple's cool." Bella said. The three of them stood there for a moment, in silence.

"I cleared some space in bathroom for you girls."  Charlie said. "Amber, I don't know you want to keep your medications, but I can room for them somewhere."

"Ok." Amber said.

"I'll let you girls get settled in." Charlie finally said, before walking out of their room. The best thing Amber liked about Charlie was that he didn't hover. She and Bella started unpacking. Amber realized that there wasn't a lot of room in the bathroom to put her medicine away, so she made a spot on her dresser.

As they were unpacking, Bella and Amber heard two car doors slam. They looked out the window and saw two trucks in the driveway. One was brown and tan and the other was orange. They walked outside. There were two guys. An older guy in a wheelchair and younger guy, who looked younger than Amber and Bella.

"Girls, you remember Billy Black and his son, Jacob." Charlie said.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"You're looking good." Bella said.

"I'm glad you guys are finally here." Billy said. "Charlie hasn't shut up about you girls since you told him you were coming."

"Yeah yeah." Charlie said. "Stop exaggerating or I'll roll you into the mud."

"Not if I ram you in the ankle first." Billy said. Charlie and Billy started messing around.

"Hi, I'm Jacob." The boy said, introducing himself. "We used to make mud pies when we were little."

"Yeah. I remember." Bella said.

"Are they always like this?" Amber asked, gesturing towards Charlie and Billy.

"It's gotten worse with old age." Jacob said.

"So, what do you girls think?" Charlie asked.

"What?" Bella asked.

"Your homecoming present." Charlie said, referring to the orange truck.

"This?" Amber asked.

"Just bought it off of Billy." Charlie said. "I figured you guys would want your own ride. You guys can share it."

"No way." Amber said.

"Come on, I'll show you guys how it works." Jacob said. They went over to the truck and Jacob showed them how it worked.

"So, do you want a ride to school?" Bella asked.

"I go to school on the reservation." Jacob said.

"Oh." Bella said.

"Too bad." Amber said. "It would have been nice to know at least one person tomorrow." Amber said.

"Yeah." Bella agreed. Once Jacob and Billy left, they had dinner. After dinner, Bella cleaned up dinner.

"I'm going to head up to bed." Amber said. "It's been a long day and I'm tired."

"Ok." Bella said.

"Goodnight."  Amber started to head upstairs, but was stopped by her father.

"Amber. Could you come in here for a moment?" He called from the living room. Amber walked into the room.

"Yes Dad?" She asked.

"I know your Mom's worried about me not knowing how to take care of you properly with you being sick. And I know you haven't spent more than two weeks with me." Charlie said. "But just give me a little bit of time to get used to everything and I promise I will get the hang of it."

"Thanks Dad." Amber sad.

"Good night, Amber." Charlie said.

"Good night." Amber said before heading up to her and Bella's room.

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