Chapter 27

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A few weeks went by since have been back. Charlie had grounded Bella for leaving for three days. He also wasn't too happy with Edward and Jasper. Bella and Amber could tell that he was holding a grudge for leaving them. He was a little nicer to Jasper than Edward mainly because he didn't upset Amber when she dying and continuing to get worse.

One afternoon, Amber was at her house with Jasper. They had been working on homework, but Amber stopped to take a nap. Jasper was working on his homework as Amber slept. Just then, Amber's phone went off. Jasper answered it. "Hello?" Jasper said.

"Is Amber there?" A boy said.

"She's sleeping." Jasper said. "May I ask who's calling."

"Seth Clearwater." The boy replied. "Who's this?"

"This is Jasper." Jasper said. "Did you need something?"

"I just wanted to talk to her." Seth said.

"She's taking a nap right now." Jasper said. "I can give her a message when she wakes up."

"Can you tell her that I called?" Seth said.

"Sure." Jasper said. They both hung up. A few minutes later, Amber woke up. "Hey love." Jasper said.

"I'll be right back." Amber said as she got up from the bed. "I need to go to the bathroom." She walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Amber walked back into her room after getting sick.

"You ok?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah." Amber said as she sat back down on the bed. Jasper kissed her on the forehead. Amber noticed a weird expression on his face. "What?" She asked.

"You're warm." Jasper said, putting his hand against her forehead. She must be warm because his cold hand felt nice against her forehead.

"How do you know?" Amber asked.

"I've been around you long enough to know what your body temperature is and right now, you're much warmer." Jasper said. Amber said. "Bella." Jasper called. They heard Bella come up the stairs. "I think Amber has a fever." Jasper said.

Bella grabbed the thermometer and took Amber's temperature. "You have a fever." Bella said. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Honestly, I haven't really felt well today." Amber said.

"She was coughing a lot in class today." Jasper said.

"There may be something going around that she may have caught." Bella said. "We need to get her to the hospital." The three of them headed downstairs and got in the truck.

"I'll call Carlisle and let him know we're on our way." Jasper said.

"Can you call Charlie, too, and let him know." Bella asked. Jasper nodded.

When they arrived at the hospital, they all walked in. Carlisle was waiting for them. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"She was really warm when she woke up from her nap." Jasper explained.

"She does have a fever." Bella said. "We think she may caught something that's going around."

"Let's get her to a room." Carlisle said. He led them to a room and Amber laid on the bed. Carlisle and a nurse started hooking Amber up to monitors. "We're going to run some tests and see what's going on." Carlisle said to Bella. Bella nodded. She waited out in the hall.

"Bella." Edward said. "Is Amber ok?"

"Yeah. We just think she may have gotten something." Bella said. "Carlisle's running tests on her now." Edward nodded and sat next to  Bella and Jasper.

A little bit later, Bella, Jasper, and Charlie were in Amber's room with her. Carlisle came into the room. "Amber, it looks like you have pneumonia." He said. "So, I'll start you on some antibiotics."

"I'm guessing I have to stay here while I'm sick." Amber said. Carlisle nodded. "Is there any way that I can just be at home while I get better?" Amber asked.

"I'm sorry, Amber." Carlisle said. "But, I would rather you be here, where you can be monitored."

"Ok." Amber said, sighing.

"I'll go home and get a couple stuff for you to have while you're here." Bella said. Amber nodded.

"I'll come by to check on you later." Carlisle said before walking out of the room.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." Jasper said. "Your friend Seth called while you were sleeping."

"He did?" Amber asked. "What did he want?"

"I don't know." Jasper said. "When I told him you were taking a nap, he said to have you call him back."

"I'll give him a call later." Amber said.

Later that evening, Amber was hanging out in her hospital room with Bella, Jasper, and Charlie. Carlisle walked into the room. "Sorry Jasper, you have to go now. Visiting hours have been over for a while." He said. "You can't stay here all night."

Jasper stood up from the chair he was sitting in. "I'll come see you tomorrow." He said, kissing Amber.

"I'll come by in the morning to see how you're doing." Carlisle said.

"Ok." said Amber. Carlisle and Jasper walked out of the room.

"Do you want us to stay?" Charlie asked Amber.

"No. You and Bella can go home." Amber said. "I'll be ok for the night."

"I'll take off work tomorrow and keep you company." Charlie said.

"Dad, don't take off work." Amber said. "You've already taken off work so much from me being in the hospital and staying home all the time. I'll be fine."

"Ok." Charlie said. He kissed Amber on the forehead and then he and Bella walked out of the room. Now that Amber was alone, she decided to call Seth. He answered immediately.

"Hey Amber." Seth greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Seth." Amber said. "Jasper said that you called while I was taking a nap."

"Yeah." Seth said. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to come over."

"Uh. I can't at the moment, Seth." Amber said. "I'm in the hospital right now."

"Are you ok?" Seth asked, worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm ok." Amber said. "I have pneumonia."

"That sucks." Seth said. "Could I visit you?"

"Yeah. I would love that." Amber said.

"Ok. I'll come visit you tomorrow." Seth said.

"Ok." Amber said. They both hung up. Amber laid against the pillow and fell asleep.

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