Chapter 21

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Amber woke up the next day and got out of bed. She thought about Jacob. She had thought about him and what he said last night a lot. She figured out what he was trying to tell them. When he was telling her and Bella about the Quileute tribe, he mentioned that they were descended from wolves. She figured out that he was a werewolf. "Hey." Bella said, getting out of bed. They both started to get ready for the day.

"Hey." Amber said. "Did you figure out what Jacob was talking about?"

"Yeah. Did you." Bella asked.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"We should go over there and talk to him." Bella said.

"Agreed." Amber said. They headed downstairs to the kitchen. They saw their father, sitting at the table, eating breakfast. He was in his uniform, so they guessed he was going into work today.

"Morning Dad." Bella said.

"Morning girls." Charlie said. "What plans do you guys have this Sunday?"

"We're going up to the reservation and hang out with Jacob." Amber said as she poured herself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table with Bella.

"That's great." Charlie said, getting up from the table. He put his dishes in the sink. "Well, I'm going into work. I'll see you girls tonight." He said as he put his gun holster and jacket. "Have a good day with Jake."

"Bye Dad." Bella said. "We will." Charlie walked out of the house as the girls continued to eat. When they finished, they put their dishes in the sink and headed out to the truck. Amber got in on the driver side, started it, and made their way to the reservation. When they got there, she parked in front of the Blacks house and the two of them got out of the truck. They walked up the pathway and Bella knocked on the door. Billy opened the door.

"Hello Bella. Amber." He greeted them.

"Hi Billy." Bella said. "Is Jake home?"

"He's not in." Billy said. They knew he was lying.

"I'm sorry, but we really need to talk to him." Amber said as she and Bella pushed past Billy. They went into Jacob's room and saw that he was asleep. Out the window, they saw a bunch of guys headed towards the house. They were the same guys that they saw yesterday.

"What did you do?" Bella asked as they stormed out of the house and towards the guys.

"What did you do to him?" Amber asked, shoving against Sam.

"Easy." Sam said.

"He didn't want this." Bella said.

"What did we do? What did he do?" Paul said. "What did he tell you?"

"Nothing." Amber said. "He tells us nothing because he's afraid of you."

"All of you, calm down." Sam said. Paul started laughing and Bella punched him in the face. Paul started to get angry.

"Girls, get back." Sam said. "Paul, calm down. Now." Just then, Paul turned into a wolf. Amber and Bella's eyes widened in fear. They started running back towards Jacob's house. They saw him come outside.

"Bella. Amber." He said, running towards them.

"Jake, run." Amber said. But he didn't stop.

"Run, Jake." Bella said. Jacob jumped in the air and turned into a wolf. Jacob and Paul starts fighting each other and disappeared into the forest.

"Take Bella and Amber to Emily's." Sam called to Jared and Embry as he followed Paul and Seth.

"I guess the wolf's out of the bag." Jared said. They looked at Amber and Bella.

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