Chapter 34

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A couple days later, Amber woke up in the morning. She saw a note on the bedside. It was from Jasper and it said that he would come home at lunch to see her. He and Bella had been coming by every day during lunch, to see her. She texted Jasper good morning. Amber got out of bed, got dressed, and downstairs. She walked into the living room and laid on the couch.

"Good morning, Amber." Carlisle greeted her, walking into the room.

"Good morning." Amber said.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Carlisle asked as he took her vitals.

"Ok." Amber said. Carlisle nodded.

"Are you going to get in trouble with the hospital for not being there?" Amber asked. "I'm sure you have other patients besides me."

"They have someone covering my other patients." Carlisle said. "The hospital understands that you're a special case since you're the Chief's daughter." Amber nodded. Carlisle finished taking Amber's vitals and walked out of the room.

A minute later, Esme came in with a tray of food. "I made breakfast for you, if you're hungry." She said, setting the tray on the table.

"Do you mind getting my backpack from upstairs?" Amber asked.

"Yeah. Of course." Esme said. She went upstairs and came back down with Amber's bag.

"Thank you." Amber said. "It has all my medications in it." She took her medicine and put it back in her bag.

"If you want, I can put your medications in Carlisle's office." Esme said.

"You don't have to do that." Amber said. "I can just keep them in my bag."

"It's fine." Esme said. "I just figured it would be easier for you. And I'm sure Carlisle wouldn't mind."

"Ok." Amber said. "Thank you. And thank you for the breakfast."

"Of course, Amber." Esme said. She grabbed Amber's medications out of the bag and walked out of the room. Amber continued to text Jasper as she ate.

"Morning Amber." Rosalie greeted, walking into the room.

"Morning Rose." Amber said.

"How are you?" Rosalie asked.

"I'm good." Amber replied. "Where's Emmett?"

"He's around here somewhere." Rosalie answered. Amber nodded. "So, are you bored being here yet?" Rosalie joked.

"It's only been a few days that I've been here." Amber said. "And it's better than being stuck in a hospital bed."

"True." Rosalie said. They both laughed. Just then, Amber's phone started to ringing. She looked at it and saw it was Renée.

"Sorry, that's my Mom." She said to Rosalie.

"I'll give you some privacy." Rosalie said as she stood up and walked out of the room.

"Hey Mom." Amber said, answering her phone.

"Hey baby." Renée said. "Dad called me and told me what happened."

"He did?" Amber asked, even though she knew he would.

"How are you feeling?" Renée asked. "Ok." Amber replied.

"Is your Dad keeping you company at the hospital?" Renée asked.

"I'm actually not in the hospital." Amber said.

"Where are you, then?" Renée asked.

"At the Cullen's house." Amber answered.

"Why aren't you in the hospital?" Renée asked.

"I'm tired of being in hospitals all the time." Amber said. "Jasper suggested for me staying at the Cullen's house, so Carlisle could still monitor me, and I wouldn't have to be stuck in a hospital. Carlisle and Dad agreed to it."

"You should really be in a hospital." Renée said.

"I'm fine at the Cullen's house." Amber said. "Carlisle's monitoring me and making sure I'm ok."

"I'm coming there." Renée said.

"No Mom. You don't need to come here." Amber said. "I'm ok. I promise."

"Ok." Renée said. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Amber said. "Tell Phil I said hi."

"I will." Renée said. Amber said goodbye to her mom and hung up.

A little bit later, Jasper and Bella came home around lunchtime. "Hey beautiful." Jasper said, giving Amber a kiss.

"Hi." Amber said, smiling. She pulled him onto the couch and kissed him. "I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too." Jasper said as he kissed her back.

"Could you guys do that when I'm not around?" Bella asked.

"Sorry Bella." Jasper said.

"How are you doing?" Bella asked Amber.

"Doing ok." Amber said.

"I talked to your teachers." Bella said. "Since your grades were good, they're waiving your finals."

"Well, that's one less thing I have to worry about." Amber said.

"Yeah." Bella said.

"Mom called me this morning." Amber said.

"She did?" Bella asked.

"Yeah." Amber said. "Of course she wanted to drop everything and come here."

"We'll, it's Mom." Bella said.

"Yeah." Amber said, laughing. Amber hung out with Jasper and Bella until they went back to school.

Later that evening, Amber and Jasper were sitting on the couch. Charlie has just left after stopping by to see Amber. Jasper noticed that Amber had gotten quiet and had a weird look on her face.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"The first time I got really sick." Amber answered.

"Can you tell me about it?" Jasper asked. "If you want to, of course."

Amber sighed. "It started around when I was ten. I was getting more tired every day. I was getting sick more often, and I was getting a lot of nosebleeds." Amber explained. "One night, I woke up in the middle of the night having trouble breathing. I was sweating and I had a high fever, so my Mom took me to the hospital." Jasper listened to Amber. "After a lot of tests, the doctors said I had Leukemia. I spent weeks in the hospital while they started me on treatments and chemo. My Dad came down from Forks." Amber continued. "We were all scared of what was going to happen. Me especially. I was absolutely terrified."

"Amber, I'm so so sorry you had to go through all of this." Jasper said. "It couldn't of been easy for you. Especially so young."

"Yeah, but I had Bella, my Mom, my Dad, and Phil to help me through it." Amber said. "And now I have you and your family."

Jasper could sense that Amber was scared right now. "What are you scared of?" He asked.

"I'm scared of dying." Amber said, starting to get upset. "I don't want to die, Jasper."

"Shh. It's ok." Jasper said, holding her. "You're going to be ok." He wiped the tears that were rolling down her cheek. "I understand that this is scary for you." Jasper said. "But, I'm going to be right here with you the entire time." Amber just nodded, looking down. Jasper put his finger under her chin and forced her to look at him. "I love you so much." He said.

"I love you, too." Amber said. Jasper smiled at her before lightly kissing her on the lips. He pulled her closer to him and she cuddled into him. They enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the evening.

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