Chapter 42

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Amber woke up one morning. She felt really weak and felt worse than she had in the last couple of weeks since she had been staying at the Cullen's.

"Good morning, Darling." Jasper greeted. Amber just gave him a weak smile. "I'll let you change." Jasper said as he got out of the bed.

"I'm just going to stay in this." Amber said.

"You sure?" Jasper asked. Amber nodded. "Are you ok?" Jasper asked. "You look really pale."

"Yeah." Amber said.

"You look as pale as I do." Jasper said. "I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine, Jasper." Amber assured him. "Really."

"Ok." Jasper said. "Do you want to go downstairs?"

"Would you be willing to carry me?" Amber asked. She had no energy what so ever.

Jasper nodded before picking Amber up. He walked downstairs and Jasper set her on the couch, in one of the sitting rooms.

After a few minutes, Esme came into the room with a tray of food. "I made you breakfast, Amber." She said.

Amber looked at her, guiltily. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry right now." She said.

"Oh ok." Esme said.

"I'm sorry." Amber said.

"It's alright, Amber." Esme said before walking out of the room.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jasper asked.

Amber nodded. "I'm just not hungry at the moment." She said.

"Ok." Jasper said. They watched tv together.

Amber started coughing, violently. She was coughing so hard that she thought she was going to throw up.

"Jasper, she's going to get sick." Alice said from another part of the house. Jasper was going to bring Amber to the bathroom. But it was too late.

Amber already got sick. She looked at the carpet, where she just threw up, and looked at Jasper with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She said.

"Please don't cry, Amber. Jasper said. "It's ok."

"No, it's not." Amber said, crying.

"Come on." Jasper said he picked Amber up. "Let's go to another room." He brought to another room in the house. Amber was still crying. "Amber, please calm down." Jasper said, trying to comfort her. "Really, it's ok." Amber started to calm down.

"Here Jasper." Alice said, giving him a glass of water.

Jasper took the glass and handed it to Amber. "Drink." He said. Amber sipped the water. She set the glass on the table.

Jasper turned the tv on and the two of them watched it. He noticed Amber shivering and wrapped a blanket around her. Amber smiled and pulled him closer to her.

Later that afternoon, Amber was still in the sitting room with Jasper. She was leaning against Seth as he kept her warm. Bella was there too. Amber had just woken up from sleeping all morning. The past couple of days she had been more tired and had been sleeping a lot more. Each day, she had less and less energy to do anything. She knew she was getting worse every day. It was only a matter of time now.

All of a sudden, Amber had trouble breathing. "Jasper." Amber said, softly.

"What is it?" Jasper asked, concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I can't really breathe." Amber said.

"Carlisle." Jasper called.

"Is everything ok?" Carlisle asked as he walked into the room.

"Amber said she's having trouble breathing." Jasper said.

Carlisle nodded. "Give me a second and I'll be right back." He said. He grabbed a few things from his office and walked back into the sitting room. Everyone was in the room now.

Carlisle went over to Amber. He put his stethoscope on and listened to her breathing. He then, took her temperature and felt her pulse. "She has a high fever and her pulse is weak." Carlisle said. "We need to get her to the hospital."

"No." Amber said, weakly.

"This isn't up for discussion, Amber." Carlisle said.

"No." Amber said, again. "Please."

"Amber, I can't do anything here." Carlisle said. "We need to get you to the hospital."

"Turn me." Amber said, quietly. Had most of the people in the room not been vampires, they probably wouldn't of heard her. Everyone looked at her. "I'm asking you to turn me." Amber said. "Please." Carlisle looked at Jasper.

"It's up to her." Jasper said. "If it's what she wants, then it's her decision."

"Bella, do you think you could keep your father from coming by the house for a few days?" Carlisle asked.

"Yeah." Bella said. She gave Amber a small smile before walking out of the house with Edward.

"You should keep from coming here, as well." Carlisle said.

"But." Bella started.

"Bella, we know you mean well and you want to be there for you." Edward said. "But you being around when she wakes up, is not going to be the best thing for Amber." Bella nodded. "Come on. I'll take you home." Edward said. Bella followed Edward out of the house.

"Jasper, can you bring Amber up to my office please?" Carlisle asked.

Jasper nodded before picking Amber up. She clung to him. He brought her up to Carlisle's office and laid her on a bed.

"Are you absolutely positive you want to do this, Amber?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes." Amber said.

"Carlisle, is there anything you can give her so she won't scream in pain?" Jasper asked, low enough that Amber wouldn't hear. "I can't bear to see her in anymore pain than she already has been."

"I can give her morphine, but I don't know if it will work." Carlisle said "I used it when I turned Emmett and it didn't work, so I don't know if it will work for Amber."

"Can you still try, please?" Jasper asked.

Carlisle nodded before going over to a counter. "Amber, I'm going to give you morphine to help during the transition." He said, going over to her. Amber nodded.

Carlisle injected the morphine into her, which put Amber to sleep. Carlisle decided to bite her wrist, so the mark would be less visible. He bit into the inside of her wrist. Now all they had to was wait.

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