Chapter 18

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A week went by. Over the past couple days, Amber had spent every afternoon with Seth and Jacob. And on the weekend, she spent all day with them. When she hung out with them, she didn't think about Jasper. And she even forgot that she was sick when she around them. Even though she didn't think of Jasper when she was with Jacob and Seth, she still thought of him other times. Lately, she's been having dreams of him while she sleeps. They weren't like the nightmares her and Bella had, where she woke up screaming. She figured that this was similar to what Bella experienced with Edward. Amber was in her room one Sunday afternoon, working on homework. Bella came into the room.

"I was going to go over to Jake's." She said. "Do you want to come?"

"Sure." Amber said. "Give me a minute to get dressed." Bella nodded. Amber changed into a grey sweater, sweatpants, and uggs.

"Ready?" Bella asked, when Amber finished.

"Yeah." Amber said. They walked outside to the truck. Amber noticed two motorcycles in trunk. "Why do you have motorcycles in your truck." Amber asked.

"I'm bringing them to Jacob for him to fix up." Bella explained.

"It's a good thing that Dad isn't here. He'd flip if he saw him." Amber said as they both got into the truck.

"I know." Bella said, starting the truck and pulling out of the driveway.

"How are you going to hide them from him?" Amber asked.

"Jacob can keep them in his shed." Bella said.

"What's with the bikes, anyway?" Amber asked. "You've never been into motorcycles."

"I need to hear his voice again." Bella said.

"You're riding a motorcycle, which you have never rode before, just so you can hear Edward's voice in your head?" Amber asked.

"I need to hear his voice again." Bella said, again. Amber just sighed and let it go.

When they got to the reservation, they pulled up in front of the Blacks house. Jacob came outside before Bella even turned the truck off. "Hey girls." He greeted them, once they got out of the truck. He hugged them both.

"Hey Jacob." Amber said.

"I brought something for you." Bella said as she showed him the motorcycles.

"Scrap metal. You shouldn't have." Jacob said, joking.

"I figured you could fix them up." Bella said.

"Yeah. I can do that." Jacob said, as he lifted the motorcycle out of the truck. Amber noticed how easily he was able to lift it. "You're an adrenaline junkie now?" Jacob asked Bella.

"Yeah. I guess." Bella said. They started walking towards the shed.

"So, I'm guessing after we fix these up, you're going to want to ride." Jacob said.

"Yeah." Bella said. "I was hoping you could give me some lessons."

"Of course I'll give you lessons." Jacob said.

"Great." Bella said. "All this needs to be our secret. You can't tell your Dad about this because there's a chance he'll tell Charlie and Charlie will freak."

"Sure." Jacob said.

"That goes for you too, Amber." Bella said. "You can't tell Dad about this."

"I know." Amber said. "I'm going to go see what Seth's doing." She walked out of the shed and headed towards the Clearwater's home. It wasn't far from Jacob's. When she got to their house, she knocked on the door.

"Hello Amber." Sue greeted her.

"Hello, Mrs. Clearwater." Amber said. "Is Seth home?"

"Yes he is." Sue said. "I'll go get him." Amber nodded. Sue walked away and a minute Seth appeared.

"Hey Amber." He said.

"Hey." Amber said. "Me and Bella are hanging out with Jacob and I came to see if you wanted to join us."

"Sure." Seth said. He came outside and closed the door behind him. They headed back to Jacob's shed. "So, what are you, Bella, and Jake doing?" Seth asked.

"Bella asked him to fix up some motorcycles. So, that's what they're doing." Amber said. "I'm not into motorcycles." Seth nodded. They got to the shed.

"Hey Seth." Bella greeted him.

"Hey Bella. Sup Jake." Seth said.

"Hey man." Jacob said.

"So Jake, how's the car going?" Amber asked as she sat on the hood of the car.

"It's going good." Jacob said. "I'm almost finished with it."

"That's great." Amber said. Amber talked with Seth while Bella and Jacob worked on the motorcycles.

"Are you ok, Amber?" Seth asked. "You're sweating."

"Oh. Yeah. It's just my wig." Amber said as she took her wig off. "It gets hot after wearing it for a while."

"Oh ok." Seth said.

"Why did you wear it?" Bella asked. "It's not like we're at school."

"Force of habit." Amber said.

"Why do you have a wig?" Seth asked.

"I don't want anyone to know that I'm sick." Amber said. "Mainly the kids at school."

"Why?" Seth asked.

"I don't want anyone to know I'm sick because I don't want anyone to pity me." Amber explained. "Back in Phoenix, all the kids in school knew I was sick and I was known as the sick girl."

"Ahh ok." Seth said. Just then, Amber felt nauseous. "Are you ok now?" Seth asked. "You look a little green."

"Is there a bathroom in here?" Amber asked Jacob.

"No." Jacob said. Amber ran outside. She knew she wasn't going to make it tot he bathroom in Jacob's house, so she ended up getting sick in the bushes. Afterwards, she walked back into the shed.

"You ok?" Bella asked. Amber nodded. She sat on the hood of the car again.

"Sorry about that." She said.

"It's ok." Jacob said.

"Are you alright?" Seth asked.

"Yeah." Amber said. "This happens often." Seth nodded.

A little bit later, they were still hanging out in the shed, when they heard people calling their names. They all walked out of the shed and followed path to Jake's house. They saw Billy, Charlie, and the Clearwater's were on the back porch. "Billy invited us to stay for dinner." Charlie said to Bella and Amber. Amber and Bella nodded. Billy made spaghetti. Everyone sat outside because Jacob and Billy's house was too small to fit everyone. Amber sat next to Seth. She wasn't really hungry but she ate as much as she could since she was a guest.

As the evening wore on, Amber was getting tired. She could barely keep her eyes open. "Amber, do you want me to take you home?" Charlie asked. Amber nodded.

"I'll go with you guys." Bella said.

"No. You stay and enjoy yourself." Charlie said.

"Bye Amber." Everyone said. Amber waved to everyone. She headed to her father's cruiser. When they got to the house, Amber headed up to her room. She changed into her pajamas, got into bed, and fell asleep.

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