Chapter 33

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One afternoon, Amber was hanging out at the house with Bella, Jasper, and Edward. It was two weeks before graduation. Even though she started going to Forks High School towards the end of her junior year, she was glad to be graduating there. She felt at home in Forks.

"Are you guys excited to graduate?" Edward asked.

"Yeah." Bella and Amber said.

"We would ask if you guys are, but you guys are probably used to it by now." Amber said.

"Yeah." Jasper said, chuckling.

All of a sudden, Amber felt nauseous. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. When she finished puking her guts out, she flushed the toilet and stood up. She walked back into the room. "You okay?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah." Amber said. "Amber, you don't look so good."

Edward said.

"I'm fine." Amber said.

"Amber, you look really pale." Bella said.

"I'm always pale." Amber said.

"You look as pale as me and Edward." Jasper said.

"Why don't we go to the hospital." Bella said. "Make sure you're ok."

"What's the point, Bella." Amber said. "I already know I'm dying."

"Amber." Bella said. Amber had to admit that hadn't been feeling well the last few days. She had been really tired and weak, lately. Before she could answer, Amber fainted. "Amber!" Bella said. Jasper caught her in his arms.

"Let's get her to the hospital." Jasper said.

"I'll drive." Edward said as the three of them ran downstairs and out the door. Edward got in the driver seat of his car while Bella and Jasper got in the backseat. Jasper was holding Amber in his arms.

"She's burning up." Bella said, feeling Amber's forehead. "Jasper, can you try to cool her down?" Jasper held Amber close, trying to bring her temperature down. Bella called Charlie as Edward rushed to the hospital.

When they arrived, they hurried inside. "Can you page our father, please?" Edward asked a nurse. "It's urgent." The nurse nodded.

A minute later, Carlisle came into the ER. "What happened?" He asked, going over to them.

"We were hanging out at my house when she got sick and then fainted." Bella said. "Me and Charlie have noticed the last couple of days that she's been more tired. And she may have a fever."

"Let's get her to a room." Carlisle said.

"Jasper, wait." Bella said. "You should wait out here."

"What?" Jasper asked.

"Amber doesn't want you in the room." Bella

"I'm not going to just sit out here." Jasper said.

"She doesn't want you to see her like this." Bella said. "Hooked up to a bunch of machines and dying."

"I can take her, Jasper said. "Just wait out here. I'll let you know what's going on." Jasper stood there for a moment before sighing and handing Amber to Carlisle.

"Edward, can you look out for my Dad please?" Bella asked.

"Sure." Edward said. Bella followed Carlisle to a room. Carlisle set Amber on a bed and they hooked her up to machines and IV.

"Let's start running tests on her." Carlisle said to a nurse.

"Bella." Edward said, coming into the room. "Charlie's here." Bella walked out of the room and saw her father, standing in the middle of the ER waiting room.

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