Chapter 5

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A little over a week later, it was Saturday afternoon. Amber was sitting on her bed, reading.

"Angela and Jess are here." Bella said, coming into the room. "Are you sure you don't want to go dress shopping for prom with us?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." Amber said.

"Ok." Bella said, before walking out of the room. She headed outside and got into Jessica's car. Amber and Bella had decided not to go to prom. While on the Biology field trip yesterday, Mike had asked Bella to prom and Eric had asked Amber. They had given them the excuse that they were going to Jacksonville that weekend and had suggested they ask Jessica and Angela. Amber sat at her desk, took her homework out of her book bag, started working on it.

A little bit later, Charlie came into the room. "Hey bud." He said.

"Hey Dad." Amber said.

"What are your plans for this afternoon?" Charlie asked.

"Nothing much." Amber said. "Probably just work on some homework."

"I was going up to Billy's to watch the baseball game. Do you want to come with me?" Charlie asked. "I'm sure Jake would like to see you."

"Sure." Amber said.

"Ok." Charlie said. Amber put her books away and followed her father downstairs. They got into the police cruiser and headed to the reservation. When they got to the Black's house. They got out of the cruiser, walked up the pathway, and Charlie knocked on the door. Billy opened the door.

"Hello Charlie. Amber." He greeted them. "Come on in."

"Hi Billy." Amber said as she and Charlie walked into the small house. Billy and Jacob's house was even smaller than Charlie's.

"Where's Bella?" Billy asked.

"Shopping with friends." Charlie replied.

"Is Jacob around?" Amber asked.

"He's in the shed." Billy said. "Just go outside and follow the path. It will lead you right to the shed."

"Ok." Amber said. She went outside and walked the path. As she got closer to the shed, she saw Jacob working on something.

"Hey." She said to him. Jacob turned around and a huge grin spread across the his face.

"Hey!" He said, going over to her and engulfing her in a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Amber said. "What about you?"

"I'm doing well." Jacob said. Amber looked around the shed.

"What are you working on?" She asked.

"A 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit." Jacob answered.

"Ahh ok." Amber said. "So, you build cars?"

"In my free time." Jacob said. "Actually, I'm glad Charlie bought the truck for you and Bella from us. My dad wouldn't let me build my car when we had the truck to use."

"How's Rachel and Rebecca?" Amber said. They were Jacob's sisters. Amber hadn't seen them since the last time her and Bella came down to Forks.

"Rachel got a scholarship to Washington State and Rebecca got married and lives in Hawaii." Jacob replied.

"Wow. That's great for them." Amber said.

"Yeah." Jacob said.

"Can I ask you something?" Amber asked.

"Sure." Jacob said.

"The other day at the beach, what did you and your friends mean when you said that Cullens don't go to the beach here?" She asked. She had been curious about them. Why they had extremely pale skin. Why they all had the same golden brown eyes. And why they never ate at lunch. Amber didn't really believe the excuse Edward gave, that he had an adrenaline rush, for saving her and Bella's life.

"I'm not really supposed to say anything." Jacob said.

"I won't tell anyone." Amber said.

"It's really just an old scary story." Jacob said.

"Well, I want to know." Amber said. agreement.

"Did you know that Quileute's are descended from wolves?" Jacob asked.

"Wolves?" Amber questioned. "Like real wolves?"

"Yeah well." Jacob said. "They're men who turn into wolves, so they're werewolves. That's the legend of our tribe."

"What does that have to do with the Cullens?" Amber asked.

"Well, they're this enemy clan." Jacob said.

"So, the Cullens are like this enemy clan?" Amber asked.

"No, they are the enemy clan." Jacob said.

"How is that possible?" Amber said. "I thought they just moved here?"

"Or just moved back." Jacob said. "My great grandfather, the Chief, found them hunting on our land. But they claimed to be something different, so we made a treaty with them. If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose them for what they really were. The pale faces."

"What are they really?" Amber asked.

"They're called the cold ones." Jacob said. "But most people know them as vampires." Amber looked at Jacob, shocked. She couldn't believe that werewolves and vampires were real.

"Come on." Jacob said. "Let's get back to the house." They walked along the path.

"Billy invited us to stay for dinner." Charlie said.

"Ok." Amber said. After they finished eating, Charlie and Amber headed back to their own house. When they got there, Amber headed upstairs. She hoped that Bella would be home. She needed to tell her about the Cullens. She was relieved to see that Bella was home, when she walked into their room.

"Amber, I need to talk to you." Bella said, jumping off her bed.

"Me too." Amber said. "But, you first." Bella closed the door before she spoke.

"Edward is a vampire." She said.

"I know." Amber said. "His whole family are vampires."

"How do you know?" Bella asked.

"Me and Dad went to the Blacks today. Jacob told me about the Quileute legends and the Cullens." Amber said. "How do you know?"

"I picked up a book, about the Quileute tribe, in Port Angeles and I did some research." Bella said. "I'm going to confront Edward about it on Monday."

"I'll talk to Jasper as well." Amber said.

"Ok." Bella said. Amber got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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