Chapter 15

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Amber woke up and saw that Jasper wasn't here. She was slightly disappointed, but guessed he had gone home to get ready for school. She got out of bed and got ready for school, herself. She heard the shower going, so she figured Bella or her Dad was in there. She looked through her closet, searching for an outfit. She picked out a red blouse and blue jeans with a brown belt. She topped the outfit with a pair of knee high brown boots. When she finished getting ready, Amber headed downstairs and saw Bella making breakfast.

"Hey Bells

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"Hey Bells." She said.

"Hey Amber." Bella said.

"What are you making?" Amber said.

"French toast with scrambled eggs." Bella said. "It should be done in few minutes."

"Ok." Amber said. She went over to the coffee pot and started making coffee for her dad.

"Morning girls." Charlie greeted them as he came into the kitchen.

"Morning Dad." Bella and Amber said. Bella set the food on the table. Amber poured Bella and herself two glasses of orange juice, poured coffee in a mug for their dad, and set the drinks on the table. They all sat down to eat.

"Well, I'll see you girls later." Charlie said when they finished eating. He put his police jacket on.

"Bye Dad." Amber said as he walked out the door. She went upstairs to finish getting ready while Bella washed the dishes. She took her medicine and put her wig on, looking in the mirror to make sure it was on right. She grabbed her bag from her room and headed back downstairs.

"Ready to go, Bella?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Bella said. "Did you take your your medicine?"

"Yes Mom." Amber said, teasing Bella.

"Relax. I was just making sure." Bella said. She grabbed her keys and bag. They walked out to the truck, getting in. Bella started it and drove to school.

Later that afternoon, Amber made her way to the cafeteria. Once she got her lunch, she went over to the table that she sits at with her sister and Edward, Alice,, and Jasper. . When she got to the table, she didn't see the them there. She thought that was weird since Edward, Alice, and Jasper were usually at the table before Bella and Amber. She sat down and waited. "Where's the rest of them?" Bella asked as she sat down with her lunch, next to Amber.

"I don't know." Amber said.

"Edward wasn't in English this morning." Bella said.

"Alice and Jasper weren't in Trig either." Amber said.

"I wonder why they aren't here. It's not like the sun's out." Bella said.

"I know." Amber said. "Weird." They ate lunch in silence. After school ended, Amber grabbed her bag from her locker and made her way out to Bella's truck. She saw Bella, waiting.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yep." Amber said, getting into the truck. Bella got in and headed home. When they got to the house, they saw Edward and Jasper standing there. Amber and Bella gave each other a look before they got out.

"What are you doing here." Amber said as she walked over to Jasper.

"Why don't we go for a walk." Jasper said.

"Ok." Amber said. Jasper took Amber's hand and led her to into the forest. Amber saw Bella and Edward heading into the woods on the other side of the house. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked.

Jasper was quiet for a minute. "Listen Amber." He finally said. "We're leaving."

"What?" Amber asked. "What do you mean you're leaving?"

"Me and my family are leaving town." Jasper said.

"If this is about last night, me and Bella don't blame you." Amber said. "We know it was only an accident."

"It's not that." Jasper said.

"What is it, then?" Amber asked.

"People are noticing that Carlisle's not aging." Jasper explained. "When people start noticing that we aren't aging, then that means we have to move on to a different area."

"Then, we'll go with you." Amber said. "Me and Bella."

"You can't go with us." Jasper said.

"We're 18." Amber said. "We're legally allowed to go, if we want to."

"I don't want you to go with us." Jasper said.

"I won't leave you." Amber said.

"You have to stay here." Jasper said. "For Charlie."

"Don't go." Amber pleaded. "Please stay with me. I need you."

"I'm sorry." Jasper said. He took off her wig and kissed her on the top of the head before putting her wig back on. Amber watched him walk away. After a a few seconds, she started running after him.

"Jasper!" She called. But there was no answer. She continued running through the woods, calling his name. She tripped over a root and fell. She started to cry. Amber noticed that it was getting dark, but she didn't care. She just continued to lay on the ground. She must have fallen asleep, because when she woke up, it was completely dark. She could hear people calling her name, but she didn't want to get up. The voices got closer and then there was a bright light shown on her.

"We found her." She heard a mans voice. Amber looked up to see a young man standing over her. He picked her up and started carrying her. Amber wasn't really paying attention to what was going on. She felt herself being moved from the mans arms to someone else's arms.

"Thank you, Sam." She heard her father say. "I've got her." Amber was then brought into the house. "They found Amber." Charlie said as he laid her on the couch. Amber laid, not paying attention, until she heard her name.

"Amber?" A mans voice said. It wasn't her father's voice or the man who found her. The voice was vaguely familiar, but couldn't place it. She looked up to see a doctor she recognized from the hospital. It was Dr. Gerandy. "Are you alright, dear?" He asked. "Are you hurt?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Amber answered. "No, I'm not hurt." The doctor started checking Amber out, to make sure she was ok.

Once he finished, he went over to Charlie.

"They both seem to be ok. Just exhaustion." The doctor said. "Let them sleep it off."

"Is it true the Cullens left?" Charlie asked him. "Dr. Cullen asked us not to say anything. He didn't want to make a big deal of it." The doctor replied. "The offer was sudden and they had to choose immediately."

"A little warning would have been nice." Charlie said.

"Yes. I think a warning would have been good in this case." Dr. Gerandy agreed.

"Thank you." Charlie said.

"No problem." The doctor said. "I'll come by to check on them later today." He walked out of the house. Bella and Amber laid on the couch. Charlie was in the kitchen, talking on the phone. Amber started coughing. She didn't know how she was out in the cold for, but she probably wasn't good with her being sick. She heard Charlie put the phone down and rushed into the living room.

"Are you ok, Amber?" He asked. Amber nodded as she continued to cough. "Why don't you take your medicine and go up to your bed." Charlie suggested.

Amber was beyond exhausted. She was so tired, so could sleep on the couch, but figured that her bed would be more comfortable. She nodded again and made her way up to her room. She took her wig off, changed into her pajamas, and took her medicine. She then got into bed and instantly fell asleep.

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