Chapter 9

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A few weeks later. Amber woke up and got ready for school. When she finished getting dressed, she grabbed her stuff and headed downstairs. Charlie and Bella were both sitting at the table, eating. Amber made herself some oatmeal and joined them.

"Do you want me to go with you to your appointment with Dr. Cullen, this afternoon?" Charlie asked.

"No, it's ok." Amber said.

"Are you sure?" Charlie asked, again.

"Yeah, it's fine." Amber said. "Bella will be there with me."

"Ok." Charlie said as he got up and put his finished breakfast in the sink. He put his uniform jacket and gun holster on. "I'll see you girls later. Amber, call me and let me know how the appointment goes."

"Will do." Amber said.

Amber had her second doctors appointment with Carlisle today. Even though she usually went once a month, Carlisle wanted her to come every two weeks since she fainted a few weeks ago. Charlie grabbed his keys and headed out to the cruiser. It wasn't much longer before Amber and Bella finished eating and headed out to the truck. Bella got in the driver side and Amber got in the passenger. When they got to school, Amber hopped out of the truck and headed to her first class. She walked into History and sat at her seat, next to Jasper.

"Hi Amber." Jasper greeted her with a smile.

"Hey." Amber said.

"How are you?" Jasper asked.

"A little tired." Amber said. "And what about you?"

"I'm doing good." Jasper said.

Before they could talk anymore, the teacher walked in class started. As they listened to the teacher, Jasper wrote something down on a piece of paper and slid it in front of Amber. That way, they could talk and not get caught. Amber looked down at the paper.

"Do you want to hang out after school?" He had written.

"I can't. I have a doctors appointment with your father right after school." Amber wrote back.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jasper wrote.

"You don't have to do that." Amber wrote.

"I want to, if you want me to go." Jasper wrote.

"Sure." wrote Amber.

The bell rang and everyone filed out of class. At lunch, Amber got a tray full of food and walked over to the table that the Cullens sit at. As she walked past that Bella and her friends sit at. She heard them talking about her. As she got to the Cullen's table, she couldn't hear what they were saying about her. As she sat down, she saw all the Cullens glaring at that table.

"What are they saying?" Amber asked. None of them answered. "I know you can hear them with no trouble." Amber said. "What are they saying about me?"

"They're talking about how weird you are for sitting with us." Alice said.

"Better than their reasons for why I was out for an entire week." Amber said. When she came back from being out for a week, everyone was talking about her. She could guess why. Pretty much everyone had seen her faint that day. Amber didn't really like Bella's friends. She liked Angela because she had actually asked if Amber was ok when she came back to school. Jessica was another story. She basically started gossiping about Amber behind her back, even though Amber knew she was doing it.

Just then, Amber heard Bella speak up. "Leave my sister alone!" Bella said to Jessica. "You should mind your own business when you don't know what's going on in someone's life."

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