Chapter 3

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After school ended, Amber made her way to her locker, putting her books in her bag and headed outside. She spotted Bell by her car and walked over to her.

"Hey." Bella said. "Ready to go?"

"Actually, I'm not going home with you. I'm going over to the Cullens to work on a project with Jasper." Amber said. "Can you let Dad know that I'll be over there. Tell him that I'll meet up with you guys at the diner for dinner."

"Ok." Bella said as she got in the car. Amber looked around the parking lot, searching for Jasper. She saw him in a corner of the parking lot with his other siblings. He was waving her over to where he was. She went over to him.

"Hey." Jasper greeted Amber, once she was close enough.

"Hey." Amber said.

"These are my siblings, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Edward." Jasper said, introducing them. "

"It's nice to meet you all." Amber said. She noticed that they all had the same pale skin and golden eyes that Jasper had.

"It's nice to meet you too, Amber." Alice said, in a cheerful voice.

"Ready to go?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah." Amber said. She got in a silver Volvo with Edward, Jasper, and Alice, while Rosalie and Emmett got into a red sports car. Jasper held the door open for Amber.

"Thank you." She said, getting into the car.

"My pleasure." Jasper said. He closed her door and got in on the other side. When they got to the Cullen house, Amber looked at the house in awe. It was a three story house with glass windows.

"Woah." Amber said, getting out of the car. "You guys live here?" Jasper, Alice, and Edward all laughed.

"Yeah." Jasper said. They walked into the house. They were greeted by a woman with caramel colored hair.

"Hey guys." The woman greeted them. "How was school?"

"It was good." Alice said.

"Who's this?" The woman asked, looking at Amber.

"This is Amber." Jasper said. "We're working on a project together."

"Ahh ok." The woman said. "It's nice to meet you, Amber."

"Amber, this is our adopted mother, Esme." Jasper said.

"It's nice to meet you, as well." Amber said.

"Come on, we can work in the dining room." Jasper said. He grabbed a laptop and lead Amber into the dining room. "Do you want anything to drink or eat?"

"I'm good, but thanks for the offer." Amber said as she sat down. Jasper opened the laptop and they started researching. Amber soon found out that Jasper knew a lot about the Civil War.

"How do you know so much about this?" She asked.

"I'm kind of a history buff." Jasper said. "It's my favorite subject."

"Ahh ok." Amber said.

"So, tell me about yourself." Jasper said.

"What do you want to know?" Amber asked.

"Where did you and Bella live before coming to Forks?" Jasper asked.

"Phoenix." Amber answered.

"Wow, that's very different from here." Jasper said.

"Yeah, I know." Amber said. "I must admit, I'm not a big fan of the cold and rain. I miss the sun and warmth of Phoenix."

"So, why did you guys move to one of the wettest places on the continent, then?" Jasper asked.

"Our step-father is a minor league baseball player. He travels a lot." Amber explained. "Our mother stayed home with us while Phil traveled, but we knew she missed him and wanted to travel with him."

"So, you guys moved here to live with your father?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah." Amber said. Jasper nodded. "So, what about you?" Amber asked.

"What about me?" Jasper asked.

"Tell me about yourself." Amber said. "I heard that your family moved here from Alaska a few years ago."

"Yeah." Jasper said. "Me and my family lived in Alaska with our cousins and then we moved here just before we started high school."

"Why did you guys move here?" Amber asked.

"Our father got offered a job to be the head surgeon at the hospital." Jasper said. "He took it and we moved here."

"Ok." Amber said.

"I think we made good progress on the project." Jasper said. "We can continue working on it another day."

"Alright." Amber said.

"I'll take you home." Jasper said. Amber packed her book bag up. As they were heading out, a man with blonde hair walked into the house.

"Well hello." The man said, looking at Amber.

"Hello." Amber said.

"Amber, this my adopted father, Carlisle." Jasper said. "Carlisle, this is Amber. We're working on a history project together."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Amber." Carlisle said.

"And you as well, Dr. Cullen." Amber said.

"Please, call me Carlisle." Carlisle said. Amber nodded. "Come on, Amber." Jasper said. Amber nodded and followed Jasper out the door. They got in the Volvo and Jasper backed out of the driveway.

"You can drop me off at the diner." Amber said. "I'm meeting my dad and sister there for dinner."

"Ok." Jasper said. He pulled into the diner and stopped the car.

"Thank you." Amber said.

"No problem." Jasper said. "I'll see you in school tomorrow."

"See you." Amber said. She got out of the car and walked into the diner.

"Hey kiddo." Charlie said as she sat at the booth. "I ordered you a club sandwich and an iced tea."

"Thanks." Amber said. She started to eat.

"How was your guys first day?" Charlie asked.

"It was good." Amber said. "I met the Cullens."

"What did you go over to their house for?" Charlie asked.

"I had a project to do with Jasper. We're in History together." Amber replied.

"Oh ok." Charlie said.

"Edward's in my Biology class." Bella said.

"They seem nice." Amber said. "I don't get why the kids at school think they're weird."

"Do you know them well?" Bella asked Charlie.

"No." Charlie said. "But, Dr. Cullen's a great man and a brilliant surgeon. He could work at any hospital in the world and make much more than he does here. He's a great asset to this community and we're lucky to have him. His kids are great too. Polite, mature, and well-behaved. I'm never had an issue with them."

"Ahh ok." Amber said. They finished eating and headed home.

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