Chapter 36

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One evening, Amber was in one of the sitting rooms with Jasper. Edward, Bella, and Carlisle came into the room. Amber noticed that Bella was holding her hand like it hurt. "What did you do this time?" She asked, teasing her sister.

"I punched Jacob in the face." Bella explained.

"Why?" Amber asked. "What happened?"

"He kissed me." Bella answered.

"What?" Amber said, shocked. "Why?"

"I don't know." Bella said.

"It's only a sprain." Carlisle said as he wrapped Bella's hand. "It should heal fairly quickly."

"Thanks Carlisle." Bella said.

"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time?" Emmett asked, coming into the room.

"I punched a werewolf in the face." Bella replied.

"Badass." Emmett said. You are going to be one tough newborn." Bella smiled. Carlisle finished wrapping her hand.

"So, how are you doing?" Bella asked Amber. Amber glared at Bella. "Sorry." Bella said.

"Same as I've been before." Amber said.

"It's so much easier with you and Seth." Bella said. "Even though he imprinted on you, he's respecting you being with Jasper."

"What?" Jasper asked. Amber looked at him with a guilty look. "What is she talking about?" Jasper asked.

"Seth imprinted on me." Amber said.

"When?" Jasper asked.

"I don't know when, but he told me while I was in the hospital with pneumonia." Amber said. "He said he would tell you."

"Well, he didn't." Jasper said.

"Ready for graduation?" Bella asked.

"Of course." Amber said.

"Um. Amber." Carlisle said. "I'm not sure it would be a good idea for you to go to graduation."

"What?" Amber said.

"It's too big of risk for you to get sicker than you already are." Carlisle said. "I'm sorry, Amber."

Amber looked like she was about to cry. "Please Carlisle. I already know I'm dying." Amber begged. "I've already missed so much. Please don't make me miss my graduation."

Carlisle sighed. "I'll think about it." He said. Amber nodded.

"Amber, can you text Seth and tell him to meet me at the treaty line?" Jasper asked.

"Please, don't." Amber said. "I don't want you guys fighting like Edward and Jacob."

"Relax." Jasper assured her. "I just want to talk to him about this imprinting thing."

"Ok." Amber said. "I'll text him."

"I'll be back soon." Jasper said, kissing her. "I won't be long." Amber kissed him back before he got up from the couch and walked out of the house. Bella took Jasper's spot and talked with Amber.

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