Chapter 2: Blood shed

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Riley's p.o.v.

I spent the past two hours looking up magic and somehow found a real spell, exactly what I needed too, transportation... I needed to transport to Marisa... to kill her, hide her body...
I felt a sharp knife stab at my heart, was this... darkness...

Slowly my memories came to me... when I first lived through this, Allie learned magic but at a cost, it slowly twisted her soul... and that's when she got dark... I can't let that happen to me... I just can't....

With only an hour left I chanted the words on the computer screen show back.

" sta váthi pigaíno, sta váthi pigaíno, STA VÁTHI PIGAÍNO" I yelled and suddenly I vanished and transported to Marisa house, somehow, she was alone.... I hadn't even thought about other people being in her house...

And as I entered her house my memories came flooding back to me.

" Marisa? So what was the meaning of bringing me here?"

Marisa snickered,"Well I have something that might interest you..." she flipped through a whole bunch of books,"All these books talk about a story, of a book that grants wishes... the book however has been seen and told time and time again that it's evil, every wish has a price-"

" I'm not helping you find it"

She smiled evilly," I found the book I just need you're blood"

She slashed out a knife and stabbed my arm, " WHAT THE FUCK MARISA!" I yelled out at her while blood trickled down my arm... seriously...? what the fuck....

She got a drip of blood on her hand and wiped in it on the book.

" wish?" It said.

" Marisa... Don-"

" I wish for more power "

The book started laughing... "Wish granted "
My whole body got chills, as Marisa pushed me aside.

She marched back and forth like she was waiting for something... anything to happen...


I couldn't tell what happened next, my vision faded and I let my own mind wander places.... did she kill me... have I died before....?

I seen a bright light and suddenly I was inside Marisa's room...

I heard her humming inside her bathroom.
She was lucky, but sadly not that lucky.

I let out a shaky breath, as I grabbed a lamppost and waited for her to exist the bathroom.

Slowly the door creaked, and she came out, I was hiding behind the door to her bathroom.

She only had a towel on as she was humming something.

Crossing my fingers I appeared, she quickly turned to see me, confusion and shock hit her face before the lamppost did.

* crack*

Her body hit the floor, and the lamppost in my hands broke... I needed to clean my dna of everything in this room, and kidnap her.

Slowly and slowly my powers came back to me... powers i didnt even know I had. With a snap of my fingers, her whole room looked shiny clean, as if everything has been wiped. I stared at my hands for a few seconds before I came back to reality.

I looked back at Marisa passed out in her floor, blood slowly dripping from her scalp.
I needed a place to hide her... id keep her alive... for now... I wanted to scare Allie for what she did.... for what she started.

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