Chapter 8: Bloody Mess

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Ryland's p.o.v.

We continued down the hall, I had never notice how long our schools hall was but I noticed that we had passed by one of my classes.

"Where are we heading...?" I asked Gage and he stopped walking.
" We're going to the auditorium... when we get there we're gonna wrap Marisa's body up."

I simple nodded, I had forgotten that Gage was carrying her dead body but at the same time not really.

My eyes widened as I seen a flash of light come across my side, I quickly dashed to the side and so did Gage.

We had both seen a custodian getting ready for today.

" Whose there?" We heard the voice but I held my breath he was on the left side of the hallway if he walked closer, he would see us and we'd get in trouble.

My heart skipped with every beat of footsets that I heard.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
With each step he took he drew closer and closer.

I seen a bright flash of light hit me and I froze.

"What are you doing here? So early? "
I froze in place unsure of what to say, I looked ahead of me but I didn't see Gage it was like he completely vanished.

"Look kid you need to go home now, and you're gonna be in big trouble for-"
He keep bitching at me but I was more busy staring at the figure approaching us.

"What are you staring at?" The custodian turned and was immediately struck hard on the head.

His body hit the ground with a loud ass thud. I winced and hoped for the best.

" G-Gage?"

Gage took my hand and dragged me away from the unconscious custodian.

" H...He isn't dead is he?"
" What? No Ryland I wouldnt kill somebody innocent. "

I took into consideration what he said.

But it didn't matter because soon we walked right into the auditorium.

I had forgotten how huge our auditorium was, it felt like an eternity to walk all the way through those seats.

I let out a heavy breath, clearly pissed off.
"How's this suppose to work anyway huh?"

Gage's footprints stop.

" Watch, come help me really quick."

I felt uneasy but gulped down the fear.
I watched him climb up the side of the stairs leading to the stage. Marisa's body was following right behind him, she had some werid blueishgreen aura around her.

"The spell I casted on her helps keep her body intact... including the blood..."
"Wait...? W-what?!"

Gage let out a sign,"There's things we all don't remember... but Riley.... I... I trust him completely... if he wants to do something wicked let him... the real Riley will come back.."

My eyes winced, I couldn't really find a comeback to that... maybe he was right.

"....ah...AWhhH.. SHIT!"



My whole face contoured in disgust, as I felt sick to my stomach....

" W-what happened?"

" I didn't concentrate hard enough..."
I even heard Gage gulp.

" Here ..." Gage said and slide me a knife...

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