Chapter 19: The breakdown

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Riley's P.O.V.

I began to chant words that I have never spoken before I didn't even  know  how to properly say... but somehow I did it... I managed to drain Jessie's body of the foul poison, swirling it around water I had it incased in the air like a water bubble...
Ryland came running by and gave me a Jar, which I placed the poison into...

The supreme, Ryland, and Gage and tried to help me but I knew that I had to do this on my own... only I could drain the poison from their bodies... expect that was just that...

When I went to drain Saint Marks poison... I came to a horrifying discovery... he was already dead... he had a weak soul and the poison quickly eat at it... I began to crying on the spot...
" Nononononono he's dead nononono he's dead" I began to have a nervous breakdown but Ryland came to me by my side and hugged me back to reality rubbing my back in quick soft gently strokes...

I lightly pushed him off and began to look at the rest of their body's... trying to see if there was any reminiscence left of a soul... or something I could bring back that was them...

I turned to whose body I believed to be Saints and tried to see if anything was left but nope...

I winced in pain and cried some more, Ryland was right behind me holding my hand a little ways back, but still close enough to comfort me....

I turned to Charlie's body and picked up some life left, I worked my magic flicked my wrists and somehow she was up and at it...

I felt a slight clam of relief but I realized that I wasn't done.... Zac was still dead... and when I went to see if he was still alive... his soul was still there... I signed as much as he was an asshole, as much as he deserved to die... I couldn't let him... so I didn't...

I chanted my untold words and soon I was holding the source of the distress in my hands surrounded by water... Ryland came by and I put the water and the mysterious liquid  in the jar...

Pretty soon he came back up coughing and spitting everywhere. I bit my lip as I knew that this created a stale mate between us.

On one hand I wanted to slice his neck from cheek to cheek, and on the other I kinda like this competition... I was learning things I never knew I could do, and I only felt more powerful when I had to test myself.

I looked back up at the supreme, she was crying, in shock, and in pain... she was dying more then ever... I could feel it..

" What  do we do now...?" I asked... we had two dead bodies on our hands, and the other three were sick and still coughing...

Gage, beside me, went to help Charlie, Zac and Jessie to their rooms...
"We need to preform the sacred coven ritual... we can't do this anymore... Riley, and Zac... when everybody gets better will preform the wonders..."

I nodded, I felt that in this moment I could do anything, a couple of minutes later, me and Ryland we're back at our room.

Tired I had spent the rest of the night stuck in my head... I itched to take action, I so desperately wanted to perform this ritual, wanted to prove to myself and other that I'm the next supreme...

I let out a sign, Ryland inched closer to me. I pulled him in and kissed him on the cheek while I circled his back and whispered gently against his ears," I love you..."

He turned to smile back at me gently, " I love you to" my heart ached but in a good way... I got lost in his eyes and I realized that in this moment I knew why I was still alive, why I was still heading on.... why I never gave up...

And just like that I fell asleep while holding him in my arms.

When I woke up, the supreme was just seconds away from tapping at my door... she opened the door and allowed herself in.

"We are preforming the ritual now..."

I nodded.

I was ready for this.

"Here" she said and handed me and Ryland some black clothing,"Put  that on and come join us downstairs... everybody is awake..."

I nodded once more, she turned to leave the room, leaving me and a sleeping Ryland with our cloaks...

I decided to let Ryland sleep some more and I began to strip of my boring shirt and pants and slipped into the black cloak like shirt, I winced realized that it wasn't actually a shirt but it was more like a jacket without the hood and zipper, it just kinda slides on...

I took the cloak off of me, and put on a clean plain white t-shirt, putting the cloak back on me, Ryland groaned and I realized that he was waking up.

It had only been five minutes of my fumbling when Ryland woke up," Good morning sleeping beauty " I smiled lightly at him and he just shot me death glares," yeah, yeah... hey? What are you wearing?"
He shifted in the bed still pulling the covers up on him.

"The supreme walked by... we're preform the ritual soon... get dressed everybody else is waiting for us... also keep in mind," I point to the cloak," This isn't a shirt "

He laughed at me lightly and began to strip his clothes he had slept in.

I couldn't help but to stare at his back, the way that his muscles lightly broke free and shone beautifully.

When he put on his other clean shirt and the cloak, I couldn't help but to stare at his eyes, I swear I could get lost in them.

"We should get going"

I nodded, I scooped up The Book of Shadows , putting it in my side bag. Every since things started to head to shit, I had been a lot more on edge and never left the Book of Shadows outside of my sight...

When me and Ryland walked out down in the main hallways leading towards the living room, we found a grizzly sight ahead of us...

Black candles, red candles, blood and a huge demonic circle was sprayed in the middle of the living room...

I looked around and there was everybody that was left alive... the supreme, Gage, Zac, Jessie, and Charlie were all here...

"How does this work" I asked stepping up into the group.

They were all wearing the cloak, with matching black shoes...

"First things first we all need to draw our blood, and create a circle within the circle"

I nodded, the only gross thing here was that we were still using the same knife, but Gage must of sensed my aniexty and quickly shut it down,"Don't worry after you slice your hand open and bleed a little I'll clean the knife before it gets passed to the next person."

Still gross... still didn't help...

But in the senses I felt as if I was a god of an immortal humane body.

I could feel my energy resonate... and I dared not to let this feeling fly...

The knife got passed down to me, Gage had handed it to me after  he cleaned the living hell out of it... I simply bit my lip, as I dragged the thick silver knife against my hand.

I let out a gasp as my blood dropped fastly, I quickly helped fill in the void of blood that was becoming a circle...

Gage cleaned the blade and passed it along...

" What's  the next step?" I asked

"After  this, we all need to chant Serium Putenin Culion."
I nodded,"After we chant five times a lightning should strike the building... and a black smoke should surround us... that is how well know that the future of this coven is protected.... so that if I die... one of you can  potentiality become the  supre-"

" And that person is me" Zac barked up.

I just shot him death glares, if anybody was gonna become supreme it was me... I felt as if this ritual was a breakdown on who would really become supreme...

I bit my lip, as I zoned out for a minute, I realized that I was really here... I was really doing this... that I really am meant to guide this coven.

And with that I held my breath as the supreme spoke the final words that struck my soul," Let  the chanting begin"

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