Extra chapter 1: SPLAT!

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Riley's p.o.v.

Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc.

The sounds of the clock on the wall echoed around the class room. A sudden gut wrenched feeling flooded my stomach, I couldn't pin point why but something felt very off. I felt as if I was gonna throw up.

Ryland lightly tapped the side of my arm.

I felt a mysterious liquid drop from my hand, but I simply ignored it  and turned my attention to Ryland and smiled at him lightly.

" Are you okay?" He whispered, the teacher was to busy trying to teach us a lesson on chemistry or something, I couldn't really tell nor did I really care.

We were in the back of the classroom, Marisa was right behind me followed by Allie, Mark directly behind her and Wade behind Ryland.

I turned my face towards Ryland and instantly my smile dropped. My stomach growled and I started to gag.

" Oh shit... QUICK WE NEED A TRASHBAG!" Ryland hooped up and ran to get the trash can but it was too late.

I began puking and to my horror straight blood...

" What the...." Ryland muttered," Shit Riley!"

Ryland quickly ran over towards me but everything was off...

My vision began to darken and my whole head began to spin...

We weren't in class... I don't why or how but we weren't in our reality.... anymore...

I began to cry as I puked up clumps and chunks of undistinguishable meats... I couldn't tell if it was body parts of my own that I was puking up or if it was something else entirely...

The tears began to stream down my face but they weren't tears... it was a mysterious black liquid...

"What the fuck...?" Ryland muttered under his breath.

I was surprised that nobody was screaming and freaking out like I'd imagine in a group of classmates seen a student puke straight blood...

" We're not in the school anymore... w-where are we...?" Ryland muttered this towards me, and this sent me into a complete frenzy... I began to panic and started breathing heavily....

" Riley! Riley! Breathe Riley breathe!" Ryland began to slowly lift my head up, after I stopped puking up the blood and chunks of meat...

"What...? W-what's happening...?" I began to cry some more but they weren't tears... they were the black liquid I was crying out earlier...

I reached out and hugged Ryland tightly, instead of him pushing me away like I thought he would... he held me closer...

His soft hands slowly stroked my head, and he placed a soft kiss at the top of my head...

I blushed lightly...

We recognized that laugh... but it wasn't human...

" W-Why?" I asked,"Why does this feel familiar...?"

This time the whole class room shook and the lights broke dangerously shredding broken pieces of glass around us...

I winced, thinking that the worst was over... but it wasn't....

" Allie... " Ryland muttered... " Why are you doing this!" He demanded...

I didn't know what he was talking about until I pulled away from his overly protective grip... and turned to the side he was facing...

Despite us talking and Allie was still laughing insanely but... something was off about her... she wasn't exactly Allie... her hair was pitch black and her skin was ghostly pale... She had her hair over her face, grude style... I could see one of her eyes but... when her eyes met mine...

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