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Y/n P.O.V

Minnie has been here for 2 days now we have finally finished the wall and began to work on traps.

Minnie still seems a little off to me. Its just something about how she talks and acts.

Suddenly I feel the bench dip a little next to me. I look to see its Clem. "Hi Y/n." She gave me a smile that I returned. "Hi Clem." She studied me for a few moments. "I know about you and Vi." Damn she got straight to the point. My face was instantly was covered with red blush as I turn away. "O-oh that." She chuckled. "It's fine I won't tell anyone until your ready."  I nod. Out of the corner of my eye a saw a speck of ginger. I turn fully around to realise that its Minnie sitting with Tenn and Violet.

I trusted Violet and the fact that she promised to stay with me no matter what. But Minnie just seems so fake and everyone seems to have pink glasses on and not notice it. "I came to ask you about something." Clem continued. "Mhm what is it." She looked at me in the eyes.

"Are you jealous of Minnie."

That question the one I feared. I mean No, no I'm not. But at the same time I have doubts. What if what I'm feeling is jealousy. I shake my head. "No, but I just feel like we shouldn't trust her too much." Clementine tilted her head. "What do you mean."

"I mean that she seems fake and too much y'know."

"That might be jealousy Y/n."

I sigh. "I really don't know."

"Well finish your food I'll be in our room with Tenn and AJ." I gave her a simple Mhm before she left.

Drifted off to into my own thoughts. Minerva was acting suspicious in my opinion. She acted to much, she exaggerated her reactions. And it happened especially when I'm around, how do they not realise.

Well maybe it is just me and its all jealousy.

A/n: ok dis is a little short sorry about that.

"I Love You."  Violet X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now