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Y/n's P.O.V

It was somewhat early in the morning and the four of us could see the gates of the school. Then we saw Willy jump up aiming an arrow at James the. "Walker!" Willy shouted trying to fire the arrow that landed before James' feet. 

Willy froze realising that it's me and Clem. "Violet! Louis! They came back!" He shouted while running away presumably to find the two. Clementine seemed to struggle to carry Aj so I offered to hold him while we wait. She placed him gently in my arms and turned to James. "Look, you live there alone, right? You could stay with us." 

He turned to us glancing at the arrow that was shot at him. "Not ready." He shook his head. Before we got the chance to say anything he walked off.

We saw Louis appear near the gate placing his hand on hips and looking at us with what seems to be a glare. "Aj got shot... he's got a fever we need your help." After Clem said that he opened the gate coming up to us and taking Aj from my hands. "Let's get him inside." He said walking back to the school. On the way there Aj continued to grunt in pain. "It's ok buddy, I got you." Louis reassured him. 

We walked into the admin building to see that everyone were there. Asim, Omar, Willy, Ruby who was talking to Violet but switched her attention to injured Aj. "Let me see. I have what I need upstairs, come on." Clementine then explained that we got the bullets out briefly mentioning James. 

Louis laid Aj on the couch and Ruby made her way to him. "He's running a fever. The body's trying to fight infection, poor little guy."  

"Ruby and Louis will take care of him. You two come with me. We can talk in the office." Vi said standing next to me. "Clem..." "Shhh, You just try to rest ok. we're gonna fix you right up." Ruby interrupted. "Y/n you go I'll be there in a minute ."  Clementine said walking to Aj while I followed Violet to the office.   

Once the door was closed Vi began to talk. "What happened in the woods,  they had guns pointing at you, and I... shit, I got so crazy. When I heard you scream I didn't even think... I wanted to help you, but when you told us to run, I had to trust you. Thank you, for protecting us. It was really brave. I really thought you didn't make it." I didn't let myself think before hugging her. "It's great to see you, Vi. I couldn't let you put yourself in danger like that." I pulled away lightly blushing.

Violet seemed to be a little shocked at my action but still gave me a smile. "It's good to see you too." Then Clementine walked in. "So Louis and I told them what happened in the woods. That woman who attacked you I--" "Lily." Clem and I said almost together yet I tried to put as much hatred in that name as I could. "So you do now her. We were wondering. Who the hell is she? I mean I know your not, like, with her group. But the others don't like the coincidence. Her showing up right after you? I mean... " 

I clench my fist. "Well for starters we used to be in a group together. I different one, not stealing kids or anything." Clem then glanced at me. "She... well let's just say we shared a Mother..." I said looking down. "She then took care of me for some time when this shit started and left stealing the RV we had," I explained. Violet went to the desk and sat down. "Well... Shit. I--I trust you but I don't the rest should know about it. I know your not bad people... Wish they could see that." She mumbled the last part in a more bitter manner. "Willy also said there was someone with you at the gates." 

"Jame. He saved us, let us stay in his camp for the night." Clementine informed. "But why did you bring him here? You led him right to us." Vi said. "I mean he's a stranger Clem. Running into those two in the woods, it proved we can't trust anybody. I'm not trying to be weird. I just don't want everyone in the world to know where we are." She paused. "Willy said he was wearing, I don't know. Animal skin or something." "Walker skin. Says that helps him get through herds." I corrected.     

"Wow, Ok." Vi uncomfortably scratched the back of her neck. "We wouldn't have brought him here if he was a threat. " Clem continued.  "Like I said I trust you I'm just worried about the others what they might do. They didn't even get a chance to morn Marlon and Brody before these children-snatching assholes showed up. " Violet explained.

"And then you three come back after we thought you were dead. Now they're confused, and no one knows how to feel about Aj."Vi added. "Violet, Aj is the least of their worries." Clementine insisted. " I know, but everything is such a mess. They're scared and angry and looking for someone to blame. I mean, they kicked you out. How am I supposed to make them change their mind about you? It was decided. Five to three against."

"Let us convince them." Clementine confidently said now standing up straight. "James told me what Lily and Able will do next. He said they'll get more people and gun, and come attack us. Take everyone here." 

"How the hell would he know." Vi questioned. "He watched them for a while." Clem replied. "They're at war with another community. they take people to fight for them." 

"Is that what happened to Minnie and Sophie? They turned them into soldiers?" Vi wondered. I sadly nod. "Minnie didn't like killing walkers." Violet glomming looked at the desk. "It will happen to us too if we don't come up with a plan." Clementine pulled out the map. "Do you even know how to do that." Vi queried. "Of course we are pros at this." I said nudging Clem while examining the map. She only laughed and shook her head. 

"We could fortify the walls, So that the only entrance is the main gate." Clem stated. "We have some barbed wire in the tree house but it was overrun by walkers." Violet informed. "We'll be able to get it. Clem said. "We can split the courtyard and flip some tables." I excitedly point out. "Yeah and lastly we can rig the admin building with traps so we can pull back here." Clementine finished our plan. "Ok, we're doing it." Violet concluded. 

(A/N: Oh would you look at the time late again, anyway I did proofread this one though.)

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