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Y/n P.O.V

It was getting late and Clementine said she'll swap with me in the evening.

I was still avoiding Violet. Me and Clem decided to confront Minerva in the morning. Because that's the day the raiders are going to show up and we could startle her first thing in the morning.

"Hey." I look over to see Vi sitting next to me. I look over and the rest are playing a game with Louis.

"Why aren't you with them?" I ask.

"The game is boring and you've been avoiding me." She paused. "I wanted to say that I'm s-"

"Shh" I quited her down. I heard rustling in the bushes. Then a figure passed by in the trees. Able. And then some people with guns and a cart. Fuck they're here. "Vi you saw that." It was getting late and I could see her nod through the darkness. "Quick come on."

I made my way down the ladder and made sure Violet did the same. I'm still mad. Just don't want her to get hurt.

" Guys." I whisper called as we got closer to the fire where everyone sat. "They came a day early. They have guns and I saw a cart." I announce.

"Everyone come here." Clementine got everyone in a huddle. "Ok so this will be difficult. But when they are here me and Y/n will keep their focused on us to give Willy and Mitch time to set up the bomb."

"I'll set it under those carts it'll work I promise." Mitch ensured.

"If they manage to get in we fall back." Clem continued. "To the admin building." Lou pointed.

"Exactly right into our traps."

"Log trap. I double checked it triple even." Willy said.

"So uhh... any finally words of wisdom?" Louis asked.

"No matter what happens look out-" Clementine was cut off by a gun shot. Omar fell while everyone panicky went to their a signed places. I helped Clem pull Omar to cover. While the raiders began to scream and throw fire touches over the gate.

Then it hit me. Where's Minerva. I took hold of my hunting bow as I heard the raiders stumble in.

"Spread out." Lilly commanded.

"Ok Minerva where are they hiding." I looked across to see Vi hiding behind a table and then her eyes widening at Lilly's words.

Me made eye contact I saw the regret and guilt.

"Well there is one right-" I saw Minerva take direction towards Violet. Oh hell nah. I nudged Clem and we stood up with our bow 'n' arrow aiming at Lilly.

"Move and I'll shoot." I aimed at Lilly.

"Y/n, we both know that you wouldn't do that." She looked at Clem.

"Now... Where's our new recruits?"

"They're not yours." Clem shouted.

"Search the yard." Lilly Turned back to us. "We'll find them."

Clementine panicly looked around for a solution. We couldn't let them find anyone Mitch needs time.

"You want soldiers fine take me with you! But leave everyone else."

"Clem!" I whisper to her.

Lilly got taken by surprise."you'd do that, come with me if I let everyone go?"


"You've changed." She commented looking relaxed.

"I grew up."

Lily turned back to me. "And it seems like our Y/n hasn't. She still has that lost puppy look in her eyes, that little girl is still in her. She can't fend nor think for herself." I looked down.

No I can't let her talk me down, that bitch.

"Really Lilly. I think a better words to use is that I'm -"

"Vi come on." Minerva pulled on Violet's arm.

"I said no let me go!" She called trying to get out of her grasp.

"Vi we can go back and be like we were. Remember that wood carving please I still love you." Minerva insisted.

"No let go I-"

"Look one of our new recruits" Lilly began walking to them but suddenly Mitch set of the bomb startling all the raiders.

I shot Minerva in the shoulder. She let go of Vi and screamed in pain.

Lilly was nocked down by the explosion.

Everyone went to the admin building to take cover.

We are going to win this no matter what.

(A/n: ok so its 3am and  I ain't checking no spelling so sorry for any mistakes.)

"I Love You."  Violet X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now