Plan 2.0

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The group of teens stood around their ,now, leader waiting for the plan of action to be built.

"Well they've got cards on the pier and the boat there's no way we can take them all at once." The brunette started. "Our only hope is to distract them while we sneak on board." She explained.

"We should burn their stuff." Aj suggested.

"That'll work, we can burn the supplies or the hay they keep for horses."

"Whatever we dont burn we should take, Ruby would love to have those horses." Willy also added.

"Yeah we'll steal the supplies and burn the hay as a distraction." Clem agreed. "If your gonna steal from rafts you have to be fearful."

"Wouldn't do it any other way." He nodded.

"The fire will lure raiders away from the boat and we can sneak across the pier." Clementine continues. Making sure everyone is still listening.

"If anyone sees us they'll shoot!" Willy exclaimed seeming anxious.

"You remember the guy I was talking about, James. He sent the walkers to save us from Lily and Able. Maybe I could convince him to do it again. If we lead a big enough group we can blend in with them." Clem states.

After the mini meeting the group made its way back deeper into the forest. The trees and the leaves let small raid of light pass through. The group was silent until Willy spoke up again. "What about after we get everyone home, I mean what if they attack, what then?" he thought.

Clem was about to replied when she noticed a families Ginger cutting wood. "Hide quick." Everyone took cover as Clementine sneaked behind the tall girl pressing the knife to her neck. "Drop it." Minerva quickly drops the axe she was holding in shock.

"We're are they keeping them?"

"I dont knwo what you--" the smirk in Minerva's voice was quickly cut as Clem pressed the knife closer to her.

"I'm not fucking around answer the question." She intimidated her.

"The bottom deck, second deck they're all there." Minerva quickly replied. "Clemente wait." Violets voice sounded uneven and worried.

"Are-- us any of them hurt?"

The smirk seemed to return to Minervas face. "I don't know you tell me do you think she is hurt. I mean I would be if I found out that not even my friends believe me" the sarcasm lacked out of her voice as she knocked the knife out of Clem's hand turning around.

"You do realise it is safer there in delta. We can all live and no one else will die or get hurt." She reasoned.

"Fucking war isn't putting everyone in danger?" Clem asked. There seemed silence for a second. "You! and your pathetic friend are the reason for this mess we could have took everyone and they all would have been alive!" She yelled with venom spilling form her words. She proceeded to charge at Clem.

Out of now where she got pushed and hit the tree with her head passing out. Violet stood in shock. "Did... Did I"

"No no she's just asleep come one let's get out of here before its to late."

There were rustling and footsteps near them they all quickly took cover as a pissed off Lily comes through the large trees. "Minerva where are you at." There was silence. The group heard what seems like a grunt from the lady before she left to search for the girl.

They all slowly walkout. "We should head home and get everything ready and everyone caught  up with the plan." Said Clem before carefully leading them to the school gate.

A/n : ok so I feel like this one was more on the same level of energy as it was when I started this book. I'm sorry the previous chapter was getting boring. There is just a lot of stuff on me right now.

"I Love You."  Violet X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now