𝟷𝟼. 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚗

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everything ended up perfectly. after a few hours in labor, jack came back outside, his mom and gabbie's mom following him.

the big smile on his face was contagious, and he announced, "she's here, our baby's here! lavender may avery."

everyone cheered, trying to squeeze inside the small room. daniel grabbed audrey's hand, and they waited with the other boys as the family went in first.

then, it was their turn. audrey walked in, giving jack a warm hug and whispering her congrats.

"oh, she's gorgeous," christina said, leaning over the crib to see the baby girl.

gabbie gave the group a tired smile, closing her eyes. "she's perfect."

"she really is baby, i'm so proud of you." jack said, placing a soft kiss on his girlfriend's forehead. "you did so good."

a nurse walked in, taking gabbie's vitals and making sure the baby was okay. "okay, it's time for skin to skin time."

audrey laughed, looking at jack's confused expression. "take your shirt off, jack, and hold lav against you."

jack nodded, sliding his shirt off and sitting down. zach brought the baby to him, carefully transferring her into jack's arms.

she cooed, looking up at jack with barely open eyes. her little fists were clenched at her sides, and lavender let out a little yawn, cuddling closer to jack.

the nurse said, "can i only have immediate family in here for now? i don't want to be crowding the baby."

everyone except for jack left the room, giving gabbie and jack smiles and nods before walking out.

"wait, audrey, can you wait here for a second? i wanna introduce you to gab," jack asked, and audrey stopped, turning back around.

"babe, this is audrey, she's one of christina's friends, and it was thanks to her that i wasn't completely losing my shit the entire plane ride back," jack said, laughing slightly.

gabbie giggled, reaching her hand out for audrey to grab. "thank you, audrey, you're so sweet."

"it was nothing, gabbie, you guys are gonna be amazing parents."

letting go of gabbie's hand, audrey opened the plastic bag she had with her, and pulled out the lavender onesie she had set aside for the baby.

"i didn't even think of bringing clothes for her," jack said. "is it the one we bought at the boutique you took us too?"

audrey nodded, showing it to gabbie. "aw, it's so cute, i'm putting it on her as soon as i can." she whispered.

audrey bent over jack to see lavender, brushing a finger over her head.

"okay, she's like, half asleep, i'm gonna leave now, get some rest, gabbie, and take care of her, okay, jack?" audrey said, heading to the door.

jack nodded, holding lavender a little tighter against him and using a free hand to stroke gabbie's curly hair.

he mouthed a "thank you" to audrey, who just smiled, and walked back to the hallway.

"okay, the doctors are basically telling us to leave, but really nicely," jonah said as audrey came up to them. "i say get some food and go back home."

"sounds good to me, i'm so hungry," zach said, the others mumbling in agreement. "what do y'all wanna eat?"

"something super unhealthy," christina said. "like milkshakes and burgers and fries."

"in-n-out," corbyn said. "you want in-n-out."

"aw, baby, you know me so well," christina cooed, smushing corbyn's cheeks in between her hand.

"i've never been there," audrey said, earning looks of shock and disapproval from the group. "what? i've been to california, like twice."

"and you were too busy having sex with daniel to get some food from the greatest fast food place in the world?" zach asked.

daniel choked on his spit, coughing. "zach!"

"what? you know i'm right."

audrey sighed, patting daniel's back as his face went from red back to his normal skin color. "that was only one of the times, zach. now let's go eat."

"wait, so what was the other time?" corbyn asked. audrey stiffened, her eyes downcast toward the ground.

"none of your business, corbyn," christina snapped, noticing audrey's sudden change. "let's go."

daniel frowned, looking at audrey, who had walked ahead with christina.

"what's your girlfriend hiding?" corbyn asked, walking beside the boy.

"i don't know. and she's not my girlfriend."

"we all know you wanna be her boyfriend," jonah said, shrugging. "and we all want you to do something."

"wait, do you guys talk about us when we're not there?" daniel asked.

"only because you never show interest in any female after hooking up with her for one night," corbyn explained.

"and you don't take them on dates and then have sex with them again," zach added.

"i swear to god, zach, it's like you want me to hurt you," daniel threatened.

before daniel could say anything else, christina shouted, "boys, hurry up, the uber's here."

they all got into the car, heading to in-n-out.

"you know, i'm kinda excited," audrey said.

"you should be, the food there is amazing," zach replied.

audrey shook her head, laughing. "that's true, but i wasn't talking about that. i'm excited to spend time with everyone and travel and have fun in california."

"and we're happy you're here," jonah said. everyone nodded in agreement, smiling.

the moment was broken, as zach shouted, "let's go eat, bitches!"

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 (1)Where stories live. Discover now