728 31 10

8:15 am

we arrived to school on time and we parted separate ways to get to our first class. i also took this time to throw away my granola bar wrapper in the trash and find my other friend, tori. i toss my garbage away and went to explore where tori went. she'd usually be hanging out right at my locker.

"tori!" i yell out, not caring what other people thought. "over here!" she replied, standing where jack is. feeling kinda relieved i go up to them and drag tori out. "tor, c'mon we gotta go to class and i don't wanna walk by myself" i whine, pleading her. "whoa,  jess. hold on dude, atleast let me say bye" "bye jack!" i say for her and we head the other way. "well, that works too i guess." she mumbles out "mhm, you're welcome"

as we walked through the empty halls, things get a bit different. "so, how's it going with you and daniel?" she asks, sounding a bit annoyed after her own saying. "have a problem? you were fine just now you know." "no, i'm fine, just wondering" "oh okay, and yeah, daniel and i are fine. in fact he came to pick me up and walked me to school" "oh?" tori's croaky voice coming out. "bro, are you okay?" i ask. "yeah, yeah. let's just get to class, alright?"

1 hour later

9:20 am

thank god, class is over. exhausted already, i get up from my desk and noticed that tori ran off without me, who knows why. i walk out confused and see daniel standing near my locker, making me instantly forget my thoughts.

"hey dani!" i say, walking towards him while holding my folders. "hi jess, hows school going so far?" he replies. "i guess it's going okay, but tori is acting a bit weird today." my worried self comes out. "she was asking how we were doing and all that, but gave me an annoyed tone about it."  "its not like we're dating, though. we're just really great friends."

oh, just friends

"y-yeah" I speak, stuttering. "hey, don't be sad, people are like that some days, she'll be okay by tomorrow." daniel speaks, pulling me into a tight hug as i put my head in the crook of his neck. "i suppose." i say, muffling my words. "i just don't know if she's okay or not."

suddenly, he pulls me away so i'm front of him, my eyes locking with his ocean orbs. "look, jess. whatever happens between you and tori, i'll be there to help, got it?" "yeah, but who knows what's wrong with her brain today."

"oh, there you are jessica" tori sassily says, interrupting. "hey, tori" i say back with a different tone, trying to sound normal. "so, i see your with daniel here" "yeah...look tori, i don't know what's wrong with you today but you have to drop it." i say in a monotone way. "i'll go and let you two talk" daniel says, tori's face scrunching up. "no, daniel, stay here. you should hear this anyway"

"what?, no." i reply, walking closer towards her. "daniel shouldn't be here, this is our problem, not his." "look, jess. i ain't in the mood to do things differently today, i'm also not in the mood to do things you guys say to me. i'm sick of it" tori states, gripping onto my shoulders harshly, everybody now looking at our way.

i pull away and go to my locker opening it, placing my folders inside, trying to get out of this situation. "jessica, don't walk away when i'm speaking to you!" and that's when i slam my locker shut, startling her. "i don't care. seems like you don't care about me either. what happened to the warm-hearted, and loving tori? i understand that i wasn't able to go to your house a lot over the summer, but other than that, what's wrong with you today, tor?" i stutter, giving her an agonized look.

"jessica, leave it. we have to go, our 15 minute break is over" daniel mutters, grabbing my hand. "oh no, you ain't leaving" tori states, going up to daniel and makes him disconnect his hand from mine. "tori, jessica is right, what is wrong with you today?" "daniel, just stay away from jessica."
"w-what do you mean?!"

"ooo, drama already? woo" jack comes in, leaning onto the lockers.

"jack, hold tori down" daniel says, trying to get tori to calm down.
"no! you can't do that!" she screams.
"okay, what in the world is happening here" the principle steps in, pushing through the crowd of students.

"i- i'm sorry, it won't happen again" jack answers, glancing at the three of us. i immediately looked down. "the four of you, in my office, now" he states, throwing us a grave look. "and the rest of you" he turns around and points at the bystanders, "shoo, get to class."
everyone whispers and walks away, leaving just us and the principle.

edited -8/17/19-

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