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9:15 am

soon enough, he leaves me behind, not even looking back, stunning me. he wouldn't actually leave me, would he? as i turn around slowly and move my legs, walking to go inside the school, someone taps my shoulder, causing me to quickly turn around to see who it is.

i had no idea who this person was or where he came from, he doesn't even go to this school, i believe. "hi, i'm zach herron and-"
and that when i knew what he's here for. he's that one who daniel was talking about earlier.

"say no more." i state, quite sure of what he needs. "you caught me at the right time, i'm sure you're looking for daniel, aren't you."
"y-yeah, how'd you know?" he asks softly, his cheeks turning into a darker shade of pink than before.

"daniel told me about how you got a permit. apparently you crashed the car already." i said playfully, causing him to look at the ground, chuckling. "well, yeah. that's basically what happened."

"i'm jessica, by the way." i forgot to introduce myself, i knew i felt like i forgot something. "oh man, you're jessica tran?" he excitingly says, jumping up and down, suddenly putting his shyness aside. "y-yeah, why?" i asked kinda confused. "daniel told me a ton, i mean a ton of things about you and tells me about the adventures y'all have together." zach's reply made my lips tug on each side, immediately forming a smile.

"awh, really?" i ask, quite shocked about it.
"yeah, he usually tells the four of us. it's cool."
"four?" i ask, suddenly more confused than before."
"yeah! me, daniel, and three others are all friends at the moment." zach replies, smiling throughout the whole conversation. i smile once again in return and got back on track, knowing that i have to go back to class.

"i need to get back to class, he's in the same classroom as me also, wanna join?"
"sure!" he jumps around again as i instantly grab his hand and run for the entrance, guiding him to where we needed to be.

-edited- 4/16/20

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