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saturday, october 11th; 5:00 pm


"jessica, please, wake up its been almost three days!"
i faintly heard with my eyes still closed. i heard the machine still beeping, for some reason it's makes me fall asleep over and over. i felt someone grab my hand and kissed it, making my eyes flutter slightly open, to see who it is.


he didn't notice that im awake yet so i decided to do a prank on him, you know. just for fun.

"i-i'm sorry, who are you?" i ask.
he looked up at me and has a glazed look on his face. "you don't remember me? i'm your best friend, daniel." "im- so sorry, i don't know who you are honestly." i snatch my hand away from him as he started to get emotional. "h-how" is all he could manage to say.

darn it, i feel terrible now.

"daniel, dont worry, i still remember you" i slightly laugh as i work my hand through his hair. "are you saying that this was a prank?" i nodded, giving him an amused smile. "dangit jessica, can't believe you did that" he says, his voice raspy from crying a little. "i thought that i was gonna lose you, jess"

"you missed me a lot, d-didn't you" i stutter, running out of energy. i set my hand back down to my side. "yeah, i did. a ton, actually. hang in there, i need to get the doctor and tell him that you're awake." "i still didn't like that prank though" he added as he stands up and walks out the door, shutting it carefully.

this was a short chapter i know, i'll make the next ones longer though. (:

-edited- 10/4/19

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