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11:00 am

jack opened the door to his house and we walked in, kicking our shoes off on the mat and settling down in the living room. "wow, school today was- "
"hectic" i replied, giving a blunt answer.

"yeah, and who knows what's going to come next, we have to find a new school!" daniel retorted. "actually, no we don't. we ain't spending money just to go to another high school for a year. we're gonna stick to the same shitty school and deal with it." i immediately reply, muttering while i stand up and grab a bottle of water.

"well, jess. who knows what obstacles  we'll cross when we go there again. especially with tori being a bitch at the moment."

"hey, all of that is true, but we cannot run away from this situation." daniel says. "i'm scared, daniel. i know i said that we wouldn't change schools, but i would if i got the chance to. i would not want our parents to know." i come in, biting my lip nervously. "in fact, i'm going to go to tori and tell her its over. i'm not sorting it out. she can act the way she wants to."

"i'm going, daniel." i grab my stuff and head out the door. but before i shut it completely, i glance back and see daniel's concerned face as i go.

11:10 am

i stepped up the stairs and arrived on her porch, taking a deep breath. wait.

would she want me to be here right now?
should i knock the door or ring the doorbell?
gosh, i'm over thinking this.

right before i even decided to ring the doorbell, tori answered, giving me an amused smirk. "well, hey there jess. took you a while, i had to open the door before you even did anything. come in."

i hesitate, looking at her up and down, noticing that she was wearing her pyjamas, something i would do if i was at home. finally walking slowly and cautiously into the house, she grabs my arm and pulls me to her room where she locked it and set me on the floor, tori still having a smirk on her face.

"so, jessica. what have you been up to after school." she asks slyly as she sits down on her bed. "n-nothing, tori." i look around her room, trying to find something that's evident to her actions. "what do you mean? i saw you three walk to jack's house after school, that's when i took a short cut home." "yeah, yeah. sure tori."

her smirk dies down and stands up from her bed and sits down across from me on the carpet. "okay, so jess. i understand that i was being a bitch back there, i didn't mean it, okay?" "how am i suppose to know that's true or not. maybe you were saying things that you meant. don't try to change your amusing, annoying smirk into an innocent child who's telling the "truth." i speak, air quoting the word truth.

"jess, i'm-"
before she could say another word, i noticed a bottle of alcohol under her bed. "tori, are you drinking? is that why you're acting this way?"
"i- what do you mean?" she hesitantly speaks, sitting in front of the bottle.

"tori, move." "no." "move, i need to see, please"
"i said, no." my angering self is coming out. "tori parker, move out of the way, otherwise i'll throw your alcohol out the window." she hurriedly scooted out of the way. i instantly crouch down and grab the bottle, only half a gallon left. "tori!" i shouted, throwing her a bug-eyed look. "jessica, you need to leave."
"what the fuck? no! when did you start tori?!"
"get. out."

she snatched the bottle out of my hands and opened it, drinking some more. "tori!" i grabbed the bottle immediately and chucked it out the window, aiming it at her yard. "jessica!" she screams, as she had trouble standing up and pushing me out her room. "no, tori. you cant drink! and stop pushing me!"

"get out! get the fuck out! i don't need you, you need to leave, go and be with da- hold on." she stops pushing me and pulls my hair instead. "get the fuck away from daniel, he's mine! jessica! leave!" "bro, what the fuck is wrong with you, you're so light headed, you're already drunk! and what do you mean stay away from daniel? he's my fucking friend!"

suddenly, she pushes me down the stairs, causing me to bump my head on each wood step, going unconscious when i reached the bottom. "holy shit what have i done!" were the last words i heard before i've gone senseless.

edited -9/25/19-

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