247 18 8

3:00 pm

the bell rings as i rush through the halls and finally through the doors, running uncomfortably while my bag swings from side to side, making me look like a complete idiot. but i didn't care about that. you may be thinking, why am i frantically running out of the school?

simple, i needed to see daniel.

sometimes, i'm just too desperate for answers. i even force myself to get the answer from the other person, which i honestly know i shouldn't do. but i can't stop myself from doing so. i sprint across the school crossing as the cars stop, leading me to the neighborhood daniel lives in.

i run a couple of blocks down and see anna, daniel's sister from a distance. i slow down my pace as anna's movements change and faces me with a worried look on her face. "hey, jessica. anything wrong?" she asks and places her hand on my shoulder as i gasp for breath, my body leaning downwards. man, i need to build up my stamina some day.

"h-hey, i'm fine. just here to s-see daniel."
"he's in the house right now, i'm just about to go and take a walk. and while you're at it, grab some water."
"o-okay, thanks anna." i give her a kind smile as i walk up his driveway, turning the doorknob, pushing it open.

once i open it fully, i saw no one in the living room as i walk in and take my shoes off. i guess no one's down here. i thought and went upstairs, going through the hall and knocking on daniel's door. "who is it?" he snaps as if he's in the worst mood. "i-it's me, daniel. jessica."
i stutter, not really seeing this side of him before.

"do you need anything?" he asks, even more frustrated. "y-yeah." i answer, this time lowering my voice. i take a deep breath and step a bit back once i heard footsteps come closer. suddenly, he opens the door, his chest heaving up and down as he's running his hands through his brown locks and looks down at me. his blue, icy eyes staring right through me, sending shivers down my spine tremendously.

there is a long pause of silence, giving out a strange vibe, suddenly looking down, not daring to look at his eyes any longer.
"i need answers." i whisper, breaking the silence. "to what." he says as he tries to calm down, his voice lowering also. i started to get a bit nervous, but i just got straight to the point.

"why did it seem like you were looking for tori, as if you wanted to see her? what are you hiding, daniel?" i blurted out, scared to meet his eyes as he suddenly pulled me into his room, causing me to lose my balance a bit. he immediately closes the door shut. i regain my balance and turn around, seeing daniel opening his mouth, almost about to say something, which i knew what was going to happen.

i block my ears and close my eyes tightly as i expect him to start screaming, but he didn't. instead, in one swift motion, he pushes me up against a wall, grabbing my arms by the wrist and places it over my head, his face close to mine. my breath staggers as my knees fall week. i've never been this close to him.

"jessica. i would never be looking for tori." he whispers coldly, but i didn't believe him. not a single bit. "b-but you aske-"

"i didn't mean it, jessica." his tone is slightly harsher, his grip following the same step also. "daniel, let go. my arms hurt." i immediately snap as he tightens his grasp, but he isn't loosening the grip. "let. go." i say again, but he does nothing. now, i start to get angry. i attempt to escape out of his hold but no, he's too strong, it's impossible.

daniel shakes his head slowly and leans down to the side of my face, stopping to the side of my ear. "god, you drive me crazy sometimes." he whispers, almost as if he was sending it to be in a seductive way, sending shivers down my body. giving in, he instantly unravel my wrists, setting them free as they fall to my side. tension rose between us as he's still so close to me, it's unbearable to even be in this position right now.

"jess, look at me." he softly demands, the sound of his voice convincing me to look up into his eyes without hesitation. "if you're thinking that i like tori, that's completely wrong. in fact, it infuriates me that you think that i like her. i only have my eyes out for a special girl."

"who?" i ask, getting impatient and annoyed by his incomplete answer. "can't tell you that yet."

can't tell me that? we'll see about that.

i roll my eyes and try to move out of his way, but suddenly someone shouts from downstairs. daniel!" a very familiar voice speaks. "come down here, you have a visitor!"
"okay, i'm coming!" daniel shouts back as he steps away from me and opens the door.
"let's go, jess." he says, his tone not angry anymore. i swear, his mood swings way too much, it confuses me for a while. i just can't get a hold of that.

-edited- 3/25/20

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