231 18 3

2:00 pm

as daniel walks out without me, i feel a sharp pain in my chest as i walk after him, attempting to get his attention. "daniel!" i shout across the hall, causing him to turn around.
"not now jessica. i'm leaving." he says as i stand still, seeing him walk out the school doors, not even turning to glance back one last time.

i decided to leave daniel alone for another hour, since i had school ending around 3:00. everyone got to their classrooms as i walked through the crowd, pushing my way forcefully to the other side, making a couple of people drop their supplies.

honestly, i don't care about anything right now, i need to figure out what he's hiding from me. as i said before, we don't ever hide anything from each other, and hopefully, we'll fix that.

i speed walk through the students, as i keep thinking and getting angry with my thoughts.

"jessica!" a familiar voice called. but i kept going, almost arriving to the classroom. "jess, just turn around for once." they say again. this time, i made an effort to turn my body around to their direction, seeing jack catching up to me as he runs and dodges people.

"what do you want, jack."
"damn, someone's a bit moody today."
i scoff at his comment and turn on my heel, walking to the end of the hall and turning right, where my classroom is. "jess, you know we're in the same class, right?"

"honestly, i can't be near anyone right no-"
"okay, i'll give you some time, just get in class so i can go in too. you're blocking the way." jacks says cutting off my saying as he gives me a stern look.

i quickly walk in and go to the back of the classroom, throwing my bag down to the ground and continuing the rest of class.

-edited- 3/24/20

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