clique beginnings

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( At America's house. - Third person -)

America woke up, of course before the alarm went off as always.. A squeak came from somewhere. He looked to the closet before sighing. " dumb fuck... " He said smiling. Canada crawled out giggling. America got up and Canada gasped as America ran over to him. Canada giggled as America started to tickle him.

( So I'm kinda making  Canada 'mute' if you get what I mean. Like. He sometimes talks. Is body can't handle it? He can only make noises... There's nothing wrong with him but he just can't talk. )

America laughed at his giggling sibling as he squealed trying to get away. America stopped an Canada scrambled out of the room. America stretched and started getting dressed black shirt with a black hoodie  that says ' NATO 'and fluffy hood rim, with an American flag on the arm of it, black ripped jeans and black and white checkered vans.  Her walked out of his room and slid down the railing of the stairs. He jumped off and walked into the kitchen where his brother was eating. Canada made a noise of a hello towards America. America smiled before getting a bowl of cereal. Canada finished his cereal and went to the sink and started washing it.
( After breakfast )

America threw on a Backpack then gave his brother one. Canada chirped happily and threw it on. This year was important to them... They were graduating after this school year. They will be free from hell- I mean school.

America started to walk out of the House locking the doors. Canada was spinning in circles on the front step. America laughed at this. Canada smiled a wobbly smile. " Dizzy? " Canada nodded.  " yessssss " He said. America started to walk and Canada followed with a wide smile. They strutted to the school. At least 2 hours early. Canada was whispering to America about stuff when Suddenly a building came to view.

America looked from Canada to the building. His eyes wide. The Canadian giggled at the sight before whispering " let's go! " He ran towards the school. America laughed " Hey! Not fair! " He ran after his brother towards that school. Suddenly America was moving to side feeling a impact against his side. He turned to see China before they fall into them ground. Canada gasped and ran over. America and China exploded into laughter. " SUP MAN! " China said pulling America into a headlock. Canada sighed with a smile. America wrapped a hand around China's arm and threw him into the ground. " nothin much " China let out a wheeze on impact. The Canadian shook his head . Not understanding how they do such rough play. China stood up. And wrapped an arm on America's shoulder. " Damn. Still stronger than me. " America chuckled. " Nothin changed bro. " China then turned to Canada. " Heya bro. " He said with a smile, side hugging him. Canada giggled " Hi " He whispered. China leaned in and whispered something to him. Making the smaller giggle louder. America yawned. China smiled and took out a pack of cigarettes. America smiled and took one from China.
Canada shyly took one. They all walked in the sunrise lit front of the school, before sitting down on the large fountain the front of the school, Right smack  in the middle of the front. The three out the cigarettes before talking about their summer went.

( At Russia's house -Third person-)

Russia woke up with his alarm, that right in his fuckin ears thank to ear buds. He likes to get to school an hour early. He looked over to the other side of him. Where his siblings were sleeping. Russia sighed. Jealous they get more sleep then him. Russia stopped the alarm and changed the annoying alarm to music as he threw on a light blue turtleneck sweater, black jeans, and light blue vans. He walked out of his room putting the phone in his pocket. The Russian then slid down the railing of the stairs and did a cartwheel of it before landing next to the couch where another sibling of his was.  Ukraine. " Good morning " Russia mumbled leaning on the back of the couch. Ukraine hums in response. Russia walked into the kitchen eating a sandwich that he made the day before. Well more like 1 hour ago. He never managed to get sleep anymore. Ever since he entered school at least. He joined last year and started getting bullied. By some sort of guy named... America?
He never played attention the names who wronged him. A lesson from his father that he held onto. His father had died after his siblings were at least 2, and 12. He 13 at the time His oldest sibling, Ukraine was their to help him take care of their sister. Russia sighed when he took out his phone when he got a notification. It was from the woman he met. At the park.

Russia took Ukraine and his sister to the park where a woman had noticed the young family. She walked over and had questioned everything. Russia explained how things are hard and how he just tried to make everything for his sister and brother. The woman offered to take in his sister for a while. And they started discussing more. She was going to take the child from the family untill one of them reached a point they could take care of her responsibly.

He sighed as he read  the text.

Unknown: I have come and take her in in a few.mins.

You:oh.... Alright....

Unknown:N. Have a good day at school.

I wiped a few years from his eyes. He walked up stairs to his sister. Who was playing with her dolls. " Oh.. Your awake " He said. She nodded " Yep. " He sat down across from her. She seemed to noticed her older brothers saddened features. " What's wrong ruski..? " Russia looked at her with a sad smile. " So... You know how things are hard..? " She nodded. " You know me and big brother want to help you.. " She nodded. Starting to worry. Russia started to shake as he picked her up into his lap.
" well.... We got you a new mommy... " She smiled and giggled " really!!? " Russia nodded. Tears starting to prick his eyes. " she's going to take care of you while we  find a better way to take care of you ok? " She nodded. " She is gonna get you in a bit ok..? Go get packing. " She giggled and started packing. Ukraine was waiting behind the door. Russia turned  when he left. The two brothers looked at each other. Both clearly heart shattered. Suddenly Ukraine started to sob and hugged his brother tightly.Russia hugged back. His own tears silently falling. There was a knock on the door. Russia and Ukraine ran to the door. The woman had black hear and it frames her face perfectly, she was wearing a white dress and some leggings with heels. " I have come for the child... " She said sadly. Russia nodded. And called for his sister. The girl ran down the stairs. " I'm not done packing yet. " The woman smiled. " Continue. And you two get to school. " The two older brothers nodded and grabbed their bags before running to school.

( Sobs in gay)

I n     L o v e   W i t h    A   C r i m i n a l      Russia ×America.Where stories live. Discover now