The start of something bad

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Russia woke up with a start. He looked around him with tears running down his face. He wiggled out of America 's grip and ran out the door. He was blinded. His imagination wouldn't leave his eyes.

Visible fear in his face he ran down the streets. Sobbing. Scared of what was 'chasing ' him. Russia was shaking as he ran into a ally way. Everything was covered by his imagination. But non of it was good.

Russia continued to sob, wiping away tears constantly the entire time. He slid down the wall as he continued to sob

A dream of his father dying smacked him across the face.  Because of the imagination like coat over his eyes. He didn't hear or see Soviet trying to calm him. The father felt horrid for the dream. The fact that his death still hurt his son panging him with regret as he almost never had good times with him.

The Russian continued to cry. " I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! " He yelled through sobs. He hugged himself " Please come back. Please! You can hurt me all you want just please come back! " He sobbed and hiccuped. He wanted his father back. He missed him. Even if he can communicate with his father through the weird ghost fact. He wanted to hug him. To feel his real presence. To have actual conversant with him verbally and not look mentally unstable.
He had loved his father. Even if he was abused by him. He missed him horribly. He looked around him wishing he could just run to his father's house and hug him. Apologizing for all of the awful and stubborn shit he had done in the past.
And Soviet could feel and see those things. And he felt horrid. He misses the same exact thing his son wanted. To feel  his son's hold.

Slowly the imagination like coat over his eyes had dissolved. Reality started to set in. He looked around himself horrified. He soon saw his father staring I to space seemingly to be in deep thought. He didn't want to disturb his father so he stood up silently.  And walked down the ally way. He looked around himself  as he did so. He hunched over and tried to seem smaller. He bit his lip.

He gasped quietly as a larger shadow started to appear. He swallowed and pretending to not notice the figure behind him. He swallowed hard as the figure got closer. He started to to sweat and slightly picked up his pace. His slightly speed walking was around the speed of a normal person running. This man wasn't running. It was obviously a flag of the sorts. Maybe a sexuality! He smiled remember Bi. He chuckled under his breath when she tried to introduce herself to him. She had tripped over air and made a sound so I'm human that it made America laugh.  Gay had been really attached to America witch confused the fuck out of Russia.

Russia then felt a hand on his shoulder causing him to freeze. " ngh! " He turned instantly ready to pull out a blade for protection when the man turned out to be a female. She had dark blue and purple hair. Her hoodie was really over sized. And under that was a over sized turtle neck. She kinda looked like a fusion between Russia Ame-kun

" hiya there BITCH "
She shook her head violently " I mean bud. What's up with all the WUSSY ACTIONS. I mean crying? " Russia tilted his head. She chuckled awkwardly " I have FUCKING verbal and sometimes physical tics. "

Russia made a 'o ' shape with his mouth before nodded in understanding. " I just had a really bad dream... " suddenly Soviet flew over to Russia. " who THE FUCK  is that? " She smacked her face. Russia tilted his head. He knew he was the only person able to see his dad so.

" The -COMMUNIST - guy next to you " Russia gasped and Soviet pointed at himself. Russia pointed at his father. The girl nodded. " My... Dad... " she giggled " Sorry! NOT. I 'm Liz. " Russia smiled and shook her two layer coated hand.


After a few hours of talking to the stranger and giving her his phone number he has noticed how long he was away.
"Fuck I  gotta go. " Russia said sadly to the girl. She smiled " It's ok. See you FUCKING  soon! " She said waving. Russia started to run towards the house when he got a message. It was a from an unknown person.


He looked at it confused.


You have a nice outfit today..

Russia looked around him. Panicked.

Don't look so afraid. People might get worried.

Russia felt his adrenaline rush. He didn't like this. He already had a bad feeling. He went to block the person when a message popped up

Do. not .block .me.

Russia started to panic. Everything is not going well at all. It's like he was only alive to be tormented all of his life.

Don't worry. You listen to what i say and you'll be fine. Well. America will be.

What do you mean?!
America here had forgotten to lock a door! Anyways...
Goo to America 's house....

Don't pretend to go or try to call the police. I will kill you and America slowly.
Russia started to shake and tears started to run down his cheeks as he ran. Soviet hadn't said anything or appeared.....

He pushed people out of his way. Not bothering to apologize to the people who had shouted at him. He wanted to help America. He didn't know why. Why not call the police and kill America? He wouldn't be bullied or made fun off.

He wouldn't suffer through mixed emotions about him.

He could be free. He could just walk around and be himself without feeling trapped 24/7/

His running slowed as the thought started to run through his head.

But then he wouldn't possibly have someone to sometimes have fun with

But he would be able to have more fun since he wouldn't be attacked by America every time he tried to be or have fun.

But then he wouldn't be able to love someone

But he also had Jenny as a relationship maybe.

He has America.... The American he knew like the back of his hand without his knowledge.

He sighed before looking up.

He was going to......


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